Livin' it up in Ben Franklin's town. Riding a bike in the city; damn! watch out for those trolley tracks (slippery when wet!) Whoa, that's what a hoochie mama looks like! I don't think I'm in Delaware anymore.....

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Hey Dude, you dropped your Palm Pilot

That's what some high school punks said to me today as I walked by them on the way from the Broad/Snyder subway to my house.
It was so funny, they saw me come around the corner and you could see one kid turn to the others and then they quickly made up a plan to phuk with me, I couldn't avoid it either....
So as I walked by one kid was like, "yo man, you dropped something". Then another kid said "yeah, you dropped your palm pilot man". I laughed and I said "hey punks, yes, you too can have your own Palm Pilot if you actually go to college" They totally knew I was messing with them and it was a funny scene. Especially considering I was in my secret ninja hippy suit outfit which I would rather not be hiding in, as in South Philly, I stand out like fatmarc's pinkhelmet when I wear a suit.

I had a funny feeling while running tonight.
After 40 minutes I was running fast, which never happens.
Normally after 30 minutes I'm just gimping fast and over 40 min I'm just straight gimping back home.

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