Livin' it up in Ben Franklin's town. Riding a bike in the city; damn! watch out for those trolley tracks (slippery when wet!) Whoa, that's what a hoochie mama looks like! I don't think I'm in Delaware anymore.....

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Cycling Philosophy 101

The band Sublime was so good. Haven't listend to them since college, I forgot how much they jammed.

Went spinning out the legs yesterday afternoon as I hurt myself running on Thursday and I started thinking really deep and began wondering if cycling is a sport for masochists or sadists. I realized that it's a sport which you only hurt yourself if you want to, as it's not like football where crazy people will enjoy hurting you.
Cycling is a sport for masochists. That's my conclusion. Sure you may get dropped on a climb and climb yourself back albeit in a lot of pain, but it's not the person dropping you on the climb who makes your legs burn and your heart peg. It's YOU doing the inflicting of pain.

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