Livin' it up in Ben Franklin's town. Riding a bike in the city; damn! watch out for those trolley tracks (slippery when wet!) Whoa, that's what a hoochie mama looks like! I don't think I'm in Delaware anymore.....

Monday, April 03, 2006

Ronde Van Mullica race report

Sorry for the possible bad grammar amd lower cases, but i broke my hand in this race!

Got up wicked early, 5am, to get ready for one of the better early season races in the mid-atlantic. Arrived around 715 and had 2 go 2 the bathroom really bad, but with 1 porto-pot and a line of at least 10 people, i hit the woods instead. ****note to new bike racers, always have a nice big roll of TP in your trunk for times like these, you don't want to waste good warm up time standing in line!!*****
Warm up for a way too short (4 me) 20 minutes of spinning and big gear sprints. Then off to the start line where the call-up had already occurred. At the line I meet Ted (with a tricked out Tom Kellogg special) and Theo on a loaner 6-13 from the shop. Ted made space for me at the front so I'm not way back at the start. Many props to Jason, the race promoter, for a neutral rollout start. The first lap was quite mellow, though it was wicked nervous thru the turns. Theo stayed up in the top 15, while I was chilling in the back still warming up, but feeling like rockstar. Thru the turns everyone was sprinting out of saddle, yet I would just get up for a stroke or 2 and then sit back down.

At the start of the second lap & conclusion of a prime, the race got hectic w-a lot of attacking and a wee bit of strung-out-ness. I was still chilling and I had a word with Theo that it looked like that front dangling group of riders had finally organized themselves and was starting to gain a little bit. After a few more miles and a few more 90 degree right hand turns, the break had extended it's lead to about 30 secs. It was then at the start of lap 3 when I wanted to move up and use my pursuit skills to launch Theo up to the break, but alas, about the time I had moved out of the wind-free right shoulder into the middle of the pack, a QCW dude (Donelle) bumped bars with his teamate (Rob) in front of me, Rob overreacted and slowly lost control of his bike. It really is killing me as I had adequate time to move out of the way, but this dude looked like he was going to hold it upright, but instead he lost it and took me out in a flash, along with another one of his teammates. Ted was right behind and luckily he was able to keep it upright, but he stopped his race to help me and the QCW guy. I knew I was messed up from the get go as my left hand had an uncommon ache and my left calf had lost a lot o'skin. Also, sadly, my new C'ale lost a seatstay and hence it's life in the crash too :-(

I waited in the sand with Rob, the QCW dude, as Ted made sure we were cognizant, and then Ted rode back to the start/finish area to make sure the officials would send help.
We got picked up about 5 minutes later and made it back to the start-finish, though there was no ambulance as they were already in route to the hospital b/c of another wreck.

I watched an exciting finish to the 3/4, as the break had been blown apart at the end, tho I was surprised to see all the stupid people sprinting it out for the final top 10 results. I never understand when cat 3s or 4s sprint for 8th or 9th place when racing in a normal, non-omnium, race.

Rob and I finally received medical attention about 40 minutes after the incident, but as soon as we got there, another racer with a possible head injury showed up and the emt's went to work on him. Luckily, fellow Guy's teammate Dr. Todd Schwartz, was there to kick some knowledge to me and tell me about my possible hand fracture. So Thea, my Allstar girlfriend and also Guy's teammate, helped pack up my car and drive me back to Sou' Philly, where I had the great opportunity to hang out in Methodist Hospital's ER for 6 hours before everything was done.

Hanging out in a big city ER was an eye opening experience. From the crack heads coming in with drug convulsions, to the super impoverished people who seem to come to the hospital long past when they should have visited.

I ended up sleeping relatively well last night considering the injury. Tomorrow I'm to see a hand specialist about having a pin inserted to speed recovery, hopefully see y'all out there sooner than later. Keep the rubber down!!

Thank you Ted, Todd, Theo, Thea and the rest of our team for the support.

Ride on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dood, sorry to hear your mishap, i'm bummed for you. i was looking forward to riding your wheel up to that break! word of advice, never, ever, ride next to, or behind donell. i wish you a speedy recovery - remember, that which doesn't kill us only makes us more of a bad ass. rock on BC! kjc