Livin' it up in Ben Franklin's town. Riding a bike in the city; damn! watch out for those trolley tracks (slippery when wet!) Whoa, that's what a hoochie mama looks like! I don't think I'm in Delaware anymore.....
Friday, December 22, 2006
That SNL christmas video
Hope y'all have a Christmas!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
East Coast Props, hidden.
It'll be cool to see KC's name among the starters at World's. It's just ashame we have to wait a month.
Hmm, I forgot if I ever told my Airlines as an investment joke:
How do you get a million dollars by investing in the airline industry?
Invest 100 million and just wait a few years.
Ride on,
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Bruised and Loving it!
Colin pushed the pace the whole time which was NUTS considering he and I were rocking out at this chic Marissa's holiday Party until early in da morn (I got home by 2:30, he wasn't home until 3). I was rocking out with just the homemade Egg Nog and water, but the Professor was educating us on the many fine brews. So considering how well he rode today, he's definitely the Rockstar and I'm just a Groupie...
Total ride time just under 3:30 hrs. Though we were only on the trails for about 2 1/2. I had my first bad move on the bike in 3 rides so far as I hit a rock with my right pedal and it unclipped just as I was ready to crank hard and I hit my knee cap on the stem. OUCH! As usual I'm just a little gimpy right now.
OH SuperquadroupleSnap! I found another block-rockin' beats Electronica radio station on iTunes, 1.FM-Trance. I keep finding myself turning it up and then when I'm downstairs I'm like, oops, I hope my neighbors aren't pissed! Speaking of neighbors, my crazy one, has been a ghost the last few months. It's actually sorta weird as normally I would see him every morning when I left for work and then when I got home. He's like a hermit now and luckily he's keeping his crazy dogs all quiet!
Wow, Christmas is just 7 days away starting tomorrow, the Dreidel's been spinning for a few days now and Kwanzaa starts soon too. Where has this year gone and what will 2007 bring?
Cool, it looks like the fine Ms. Compton (soon to be a Mrs.) won Cross Nats for the 3rd time in a row. We'll have to call Katie something cool like Hat-Trick Katie now.
And it looks like Joey T. missed being the collegiate champ by 2 seconds. Great job dude! It's been cool seeing you step up everything this past year.
And now onto a rant.
OK, I flew with Delta out to Cinncinati this past week. All their employees are wearing buttons that say something like "Say no to US Airways" b/c US Airways is planning to take over Delta while Delta is in Bankruptcy and all the old Delta faithful don't want a change in corporate ownership as that's scary b/c it will mean that the Delta execs will be pushed out. Seriously WTF are the rank and file employees smoking!?!? If I worked for a company which was driven into bankruptcy b/c of inept execs, then wouldn't it be prudent to be taken over by a more successful competitor which seems to be riding high at the moment? This was my thought before I even experienced this:
I was supposed to fly back to Philly by 6:20pm on Friday, but there were some delays and so the flight was pushed back 30 minutes. Well the plane ended up coming into Cinci on time and so they started boarding on time. Some people didn't show up as they saw the flight had been pushed back to 5pm and so the people who were wait-listed were allowed to board the plane. Well the original ticket holders showed up and so Delta then had to force the wait-listed people back off the plane and let the correct people board. Then something else happened and we just sat on the plane for another hour just hanging out. So we didn't even leave Cinci until after 6pm. This is just the beginning...
We finally get back to Philly and wallah, no bag. I talk to one of the Delta baggage claim dudes and he's like, "we put it on the next flight out after yours." I was really cool, but I was like dude, you're crazy, why didn't it make my flight, I checked in at the airport 3 hours ahead of time, isn't that what I'm supposed to do? Well it ends up that they totally messed up a flight from the day before from Cinci and that b/c of that they kept on packing each flight up with the bags from each previous flight. So what they did, instead of totally pissing off one whole flight from delayed baggage, they pissed off 5 or more flights b/c they kept on bumping current baggage out for the previous flight's. Crazy, crazy, crazy... So when you hear some sob story about Delta being bought out by US Airways, tell them it's about time someone bought them out!
I finally got my bag today at 6pm delivered to my house. Though of course they said it would be delivered between 9-10:30am Saturday. I stuck around until almost noon waiting, then I went out for a ride and came back and checked on their lost-baggage website that it could come between 9am-9pm. Then at 10:30pm last night I got a phone call at my house and on my cell stating they tried to deliver it in the morning yesterday, but no one was home. WTF? They had all my phone numbers and they could have called right before they showed up to make sure I was home.
Then today they called at 2pm saying they'd swing on by in the next hour or 2 and they showed up at 6pm. Seriously, I was going to do my shopping this weekend, but it looks like I'm going to have to again push it off until the weekend right before Kwanzaa again!
Time for bed!
Congrats to all those who raced Cyclocross Nationals!
Friday, December 15, 2006
Congrats Leech!
Great job dude!
I can't wait to see the other results throughout the weekend as I know many familiar names will have some great rides. It's going to be warm in Philly, so I bet Rhode Island won't be too bad.
Time for bed!
Ride on,
PS, don't fly DELTA, there's a good reason they are in bankruptcy these days....
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Riding da Wiss
Christian showed he too today was a Dr., as he's definitely the Dr. of technical climbing as that dude climbed everything that was loose, off camber and with those darn reverse drop offs which get me walking every single time (whatever you call something you have to hop up while going up, but if you were descending the trail your ass better be behind the seat or it's going in the air).
It was a nice 3 hrs out, perfect on a day like today and perfect after having a somewhat late night last night. It was only my second time ever hanging out in the "Art Museum" district and it was pretty kick'n. Lots of cool streets and it definitely felt safer than Sou' Phil.

Saturday, December 09, 2006
Bullets flying in Sou' Philly
Luckily my 1/2 sleep brain kicked on right before I was about to open my front door to see what the racket was, and I decided it would be smart to get to the other side of the house. The cops came quick and man did they come, I still didn't want to pop my head out, though I could tell a lot of them showed up and dispersed among the local streets to find out what happened.
Crazy...I still feel safe, but man you never know, plus being in the city you get a lot of people who don't live in your neighborhood just driving through once and a while.
Dieter, after nats I think we need you to move to Sou' Phil with that hunting rifle of yours and be deputized.
I'm going to do my first wimp-out of the year and not ride on the beautiful sunny day we are having today. Just like a virgin, I'm saving myself for the perfect ride (mtb) tomorrow out with my posse to the Wiss.
On a side note I totally ceded that I'm a corporate whore yesterday when at 6:15am my trusty co-worker SuperStritt gave me a call saying that she was cooked and couldn't get in today. See, I was out on vacation, so I definitely hadn't planned on coming in, but our office party had been at Dave & Busta's on Thursday and since being a veggie, I didn't eat the meat entrees and so the first thought in my head was that not only had the superStritt gotten sick, but so had most of my office. So I headed in, but luckily all was fine and dandy. My manager brought in another employee from one of our other offices, so I could have possibly have gone home, but being the control freak that I am, I couldn't bear leaving the office in the hands of someone I just met.
All went well, and right before I left one of the high-rollers of the office emailed my boss's boss giving me props. That felt great and made me think of the difference between my current job and my previous one. They treated me like shit and expected me to smile and want more each day, it's amazing how much better a person will work if they know management has their back.
Ride on!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Rocking out with the Pepster
Nick was a good sport and drove us down to ol' city. We first hit up Mad River, though only for a drink as it looked like a Snap On convention with all the meat head tools there. We then when to the bleu martini where the Pep used to work. It was already a wee bit rocking as it was probably 10 or so. I was already a little lit up after 2 drinks as I'm not much of a drinker. The DJ was rocking again and so were all the fine ladies. Pep was getting all psyched up as he and his hoochie mama herem were going to catch up with us later on. Quote of the night, "BC make sure you wrap it up" What dude??? I hadn't even met his ladies and he was thinking I was going to take them home...whatever man!
Nick had to roll around midnight as he had to work the next morning, as soon as he left Pep's ladies rolled in. They had a table in the back and were totally rocking out. They kept buying round after round and I was in way over my head as these were definitely rockstars and I'm no rockstar, not even a groupie, so luckily Pepster had rolled to the bathroom and had been gone for a long time so I crept out and hit up Windows (aka rindos) next store at 32 degrees. I had tried to go in, but the bouncer was a hard mofo and since I didn't have a skirt on, or was with anyone with a skirt he pointed to the line. I was like, I'm boys with Calltilli, he was like, sweet, back of the line dude. So immediatly I hit up windows and he was there to save a bub from freezing in the line. He had a table in the vip section and was rocking out with his boy Cash (real name of a dude) they were totally ripping it up in there and it could have been a gangsta rap video with the ladies hanging off these guys. Windows hooked this brotha up with a redbull and ice to clean out the system so Pep's ladies' back at Bleu wouldn't take advantage of me. It worked well and I was feeling good again, though Pep was getting all worked up and wanted to roll, so off I go again, not able to chill.
It was about 2am so once we left, we couldn't get back in to Bleu. I was annoyed b/c Pep's ladies had expected me to come back with him, but b/c of the time they weren't letting anyone back in. So alas Pep and I meandered around for a good bit outside as the mass of people streamed out into the streets. It was a pretty crazy sight as the Army-Navy game had taken place that day and so ol' city was packed with all the fans.
I decided to walk the 10 blocks back to city hall, as all the cabs were taken (who would have thought???) and luckily a few blocks into the journey was a late night pizza joint. I hadn't eaten for about 10 hrs. and so I stood in the loooong line, luckily next to 5 college hotties, though the dudes after me were from Army and totally going gaga over the ladies. I was the mediator the whole time as the dudes kept on pissing off the ladies and I would tell the ladies it was ok, that the guys meant something else and not what they actually said. After about 20 minutes we finally got our slices and I hooked up the Army dudes with their pie as they mentioned they were nervous as all can be about graduating and going to the Middle-East. I avoided asking them about that, but the ladies just couldn't take the hint and kept on pummeling these dudes with war questions.
Anyways, made it back home about 6 hrs. after my normal bedtime. Woke up the next day feeling good, though a wee bit tired and wanted to watch a movie. I had a pleathora to choose from (danke frater). I wanted to watch one I had never heard of so I picked alfie, some movie I had no clue what it was about, but figured it would be a chic-flic. It sure was! Crazily I kept watching it and thoroughly enjoyed it, yet it made me feel shitty as I definitely sympathized with my homie alfie as we seem to have had the same life with women. It was pretty much my life story with the ladies.
Time to hit my office's holiday party. Should be fun as it's at Dave and Busta's on Delaware Ave.
Ride on!
Friday, December 01, 2006
Skeeball Fun at Tommy Mc's
You go Tom!:
Good luck down in Reston to all the crossers this weekend!
I'm rocking out tomorrow night, anyone up for joining, drop me a line. I'll be in Old City when the sun goes down.
Ride on!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Straight Outta Philly
Straight Outta Philly:
You are now about to witness the strength of street knowledge
Straight outta Philly crazy motherfucker named Dieter
From the gang called GPO With Attitudes
When I'm called off I got a sawed off
Pedal the bike and bodies are hauled off
You too boy if ya fuck with me
Treefarm's gonna hafta come and get me
Off yo ass that's how I'm goin out
For the punk motherfuckers that's showin out
Riders start to mumble, they wanna rumble
Mix em and cook em in a pot like gumbo
Goin off on a motherfucker like that
with a wheel that's pointed at yo ass
So give it up smooth
Ain't no tellin when I'm down for a jack move
Here's a murder rap to keep yo dancin
with a cross race like Gunnar Shogren
Cannondale is the tool
Don't make me act the motherfuckin fool
Me you can go toe to toe, no maybe
I'm knockin riderz out tha box, daily
yo weekly, monthly and yearly
until them dumb motherfuckers see clearly
that I'm down with the capital C-P-T
Boy you can't fuck with me
So when I'm in your neighborhood, you better duck
Coz Dieter is crazy as fuck
As I leave, believe I'm stompin
but when I come back, boy, I'm comin straight outta Philly
[City of Philly, City of Philly]
[Hebe] Yo Dieter
[Dieter again] Whassup?
[Hebe] Tell em where you from!
Straight outta Philly, another crazy ass crosser
More punks I drop, yo, my rep gets bigger
I'm a bad motherfucker and you know this
But the pussy ass crossers don't show this
But I don't give a fuck, I'ma make my snaps
If not from the racings, from jackin the crops
Just like burglary, the definition is 'jackin'
And when illegally armed it's called 'packin'
Drop a motherfucker in a minute
I find a good hole shot, I go up in it
So if you're at a race in the front row
I'm a call you a bitch or dirty-ass ho
You'll probably get mad like a bitch is supposed to
But that shows me, ho, you're composed to
a crazy muthafucker from tha street
Attitude legit cause I'm tearin up shit
Dieter controls the automatic
For any dumb muthafucker that starts static
Not the right hand cause I'm the hand itself
every time I pull a C'dale off the shelf
The security is maximum and that's a law
D-I-E-T-E-R spells Dieter but I'm raw
See, coz I'm the motherfuckin villain
The definition is clear, you're the witness of a killin
that's takin place without a clue
And once you're on the scope, your ass is through
Look, you might take it as a trip
but a crosser like Dieter is on a gangsta tip
Straight outta Philly...
City of Philly, City of Philly
[Ferg] Dieter is his name and the boy is comin...
Straight outta Philly
is a brotha that'll smother yo' mother
and make ya sister think I love her
Dangerous motherfucker raises hell
And if I ever get caught I make bail
See, I don't give a fuck, that's the problem
I see the motherfuckin Tree I don't dodge him
But I'm smart, lay low, creep a while
And when I see a punk pass, I smile
To me it's kinda funny, the attitude showin a racer drivin
but don't know where the fuck he's going, just rollin
lookin for the one they call Dieter
But here's a flash, they never seize me
Ruthless! Never seen like a shadow in the dark
except when I unload, see I'll get over the hesitation
and hear the scream of the one who got second
Give a little gust of wind and I'm jettin
But leave a memory no one'll be forgettin
So what about the bitch who got dropped? Fuck 'em!
You think I give a damn about a bitch? I ain't a sucker!
This is the autobiography of the D, and if you ever fuck with me
You'll get taken by a stupid dope brotha who will smother
word to the motherfucker, straight outta Philly
Chorus:[City of Philly, City of Philly]
Ride on Dude!
Monday, November 27, 2006
Wally World Comments
Living Wage for me is a touchy subject as my economist brain kicks in and I immediatly think of the dreaded death spiral of inflation. Wages are the largest contributor to inflationary pressures. Higher than energy costs or raw material costs and so even the tiniest percent of increase causes amazingly powerful ripples througout the economy. Yes Whole Foods ROCKS b/c they have a livable wage (and buy wind energy), but I almost never shop there as I realized I was paying 30% more for the same EXACT vegies from Trader Joes and not receiving any added personal benefit (actually a net loss b/c of spending more $$) Also unlike by buying Wind Energy, paying someone a living wage doesn't create a net benefit at all (other than for the person working). The thing in a capitalistic society, there's market forces which determine what a wage should be.
Back after graduating college I was planning on entering the Peace Corps and so I started working at the local EMS store(Eastern Mountain Sports) making $7 an hour. It was above minimum wage, though way below what one would consider a liveable wage, yet at that time, I was able to get by fine. I could live at my dad's house, put gas in my car, buy a few sets of wheels for my road bikes and go out to eat once and a while with my girl at the time. Life was fine for me, I got by and had fun doing it. The $7 an hour wasn't great, I wish I was making more, but realisitically I was working a retail job which required not much skill compared to what I'm doing now for my living. Paying more for someone didn't equate to a much greater return when high school kids would easily jump at the chance to make $7 an hour and they would do just as good of a job.
Paying more for great employees is WORTH it in a lot of industries, but when it comes to low skilled people who wake up every day just thinking of how they can make money to pay for their cable TV bill, then something is wrong. I don't know about most of my peers, but living in South Philly I've met a lot of people my age who don't work and just hang out all day and night. They aren't druggies, or crazy people, they are just the unmotivated America. High School drop outs who still think living a life is playing playstation, listening to rap music, and living with their parents in a row house, even though they are 25 and don't contribute to society. I hate to say it, but I have little respect for these people and I don't feel bad when the only job they can get is mopping the floor at Wally World.
They Shouldn't get a livable wage as by paying more for unskilled labor, skilled labor would go up more than 100% as a dollar rise at the lowest level always ends up at the final end of production as more than a dollar rise in the final product. So it would in effect be a death spiral. I can find some publications to back up my tired rambling, but really, if you understood the liveable wage, it's more a feel good thing for companies to sell themselves to the mass public, than one that makes economic sense. As any rise at the bottom raises it for everyone else. SHIT, just look at the basic inflation measures of Milk, Eggs and Cheese and see how they've gone up the last 2 years. My gallon of Organic Skim milk is up 60 cents since I started buying it in 2004. That's an extra 60 cents a week, times say 50 (gotta include vacation). That's $30 a year on just Milk, do that on every thing you buy and eventually you will be priced out from buying things and that's JUST from ENERGY COSTS alone, which are a very small input compared to wages.
The minimum wage is a joke to, but don't get me started on that.
Comments? I'd love to hear them.
The Busiest 5 days
I didn't rock out on Wednesday night, instead I caught up with my bro, his wife and my new box (computer). Thursday was total Fall weather out, but alas it was a day of enjoying food (especially sweet potatoes) and so that's what I did, fueling up for a sweet ride for Friday. I headed out from North Wilmington, through the Brandywine Valley, past Ashland Nature center to Limestone Road up PaperMill road, out to EightNinetySix (was tempted to swing by Mr. Logix house, but wasn't sure I could take his killa hills) and then rode out to right around FairHill (Sorry Marc and D for not swinging by!) then rode on the road by the former President of FSVS (damn I love that zig zag road) to Barksdale and then back to Newark for a shot of Espresso at Starbucks (dude it's like 30 cents cheaper than a shot in Manyunk) and then popped the head in good Ol' Wooden Wheels ( Headed back on PaperMill and back pretty much the same way I came. I was bummed that I never ran into another familiar cyclist, I was thinking on such a fine day without any races I would have run into someone. Anyways, climbing the Rockland Road back up to mi padres' house, I run into 3 dudes I know. Les L., Matt T. and Buddy B. rocking out a total of 3 gears between them! They looked like they had totally rocked out Brandywine all morning. It was a blast to see them on the bike as the past few times I've seen 'em we've all been off the bike, which is strange since we're all cyclists.
Total ride time 5 hrs, though obviously not all of it on the bike.
The rest of Friday was pretty uneventful other than having my dad drive me which gave me a chance to show him my house which he hasn't visited in almost a year!
Saturday was a rocking rode ride out to VF, though for once I stayed on the trail exclusively as I'm still nursing a bumb left hip, and didn't want to climb. Coming back from the park one of my new (for 2006) cycling buddies caught up to me, along with his girlfriend, and we rode and chatted the whole way back which was a blast as I always do the 20 miles back as a TT and I was in slo-mode this day. Rob (the dude) was actually the guy who crashed into me back at the Ronde van Mullica where I broke my Cannondale and left hand. It's funny but we're now good buddies now, not like we weren't before, as I had no hard feelings for him even when I was picking myself off the pavement back in April. That stuff happens in Road Racing and it actually wasn't his fault in the first place.
Rob, his lady Julie, and I had a good pace going and we ended up catching 2 chumps looking hardcore on their TT bikes, but not acting the part. They sucked our wheels for about 10 minutes without ever coming to the front, when they thought they were Badass when they took off like a one legged Petacchi sprint, freaking Wheel Whores!!! Rob and I were juiced to catch them, even though we had agreed to keep it steady, but not fast. July didn't want to up the pace and so we kept it mellow, but then Rob must have seen me annoyed and he was like DUDE show Julie how fast you can catch those chumps. It felt great to spin it up and drop down to the 53x15 and catch those dude and blow by them in less than a minute. They were totally blown too, freakin' Whores!
Total ride time 4 hrs, though not including the bottle fill up in VF Park.
I know it sounds pretty petty, but still, some people in Philly who you'll pass and say hi to will latch onto your wheel, but you won't know it until 5 minutes later when you blow your snot ball and they yell like a WTF behind you and you're like Dude, WHY TF are you on MY wheel, you Wheel Whore! I hate those chumps, they'll probably be the death of me before any car. I'm all for giving people a nice draft off my lanky-ass, but still, at least ask permission or let me know.
Saturday night, one of my boys gives me a call saying that our new Sunday road has now magically become a Sunday mtb. ride. Good thing Buddy, Matt T. and Les inspired me the day before or else I would have said adios to the Sunday winter ride group, but alas I lubed up my 5 year old SRAM chain, found one of my camel baks and got ready to rumble. I was thinking it might turn into a death march ride as that's what our rode rides turn into and sure enough, 4 hours later, with a romp through Belmont Plateau, many trails and climbs through the "Wiss" and a ride back to the Art Museum and I was cooked, super cooked. Like hmm, is my calf cramping or is it just not happy to see me? It was a rocking ride with Christian, Dr. Colin, and Rich (italian stalion). I'm sorry to say there was no bike toss this time, though at one point when my chain was skipping like one of my ol' Beastie Boys remixes, I was tempted to at least threaten the bike it might get air. I had a great ride and was hooked again, though I need to fix that chain skip...
Plus you could NOT BEAT the Hotties running the Vally Green pathway on our ride back to Ridge Ave.
So total ride time this weekened was somewhere around 12 hours which blew my mind when I thought about it this morning, especially considering I helped my ex move out yesterday and that wasn't an easy task.
I have to admit that coming back home to a dark home at 10pm last night got me all choked up as I had almost gotten used to her having every single light on in the house (I'm serious, not being sarcastic) Plus I felt really bad knowing that my ex was going to spend her night in an unfamiliar place with unpacking still to do. Well at least she's now living in Rittenhouse Sq. and I'm still stuck in White Trizzo central, but at least I have a place I can call home, even if it feels less homely now. It was hard falling asleep last night, I had totally gotten attuned to her noises and by not hearing them made the house seem erie. Also it didn't help that the neighbors were vacuming at 11pm...
I have a new favorite track, it's by LCD Soundsystem, Tribulations is the name. I dig the bassline, it's almost the same as one I'll lay down when I'm rocking out for a while. As they like to say, "it's pretty catchy man!"
Also for all you "Market Participants" hope y'all got your seat belt buckled as we are in for a ride this week.
Ride on!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Wally World ain't all that Bad
Most people have been dissing Wally World constantly the last decade or so and might have ignored every headline the last year. IF anyone noticed, Wally Wolrd is now carrying organic food, selling flourescent lightbulbs (at pretty much cost) and coming to the forefront of corporations who become super energy effecient. Yes they still have a lot of shit to get together, though I'd like to think they at least are taking steps rather than just talking.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
The Escalator
On the cycling note. I'll be mc'ing the Guy's cross race this Saturday. I was planning on riding, but I didn't realize it's way the phunk out away from Center City Philly. It's ironic that Philly has the Nation's biggest Urban Park, but yet not a single cycling team is using it to stage a cross race (anymore).
So my ex-lady's moving out soon and that means I'll finally have a house warming party. I've yet to have one, even though I've been here over a year and a half now! I couldn't have one while she was here as she's not the rowdy type. So once it get's cold, think houseWarming party, OK?!
Oh Snap, forgot to tell you I did the ol' stupid ride every year or 3 this past Sunday. It was misting out, yet called for gloom and doom any second. I was jonseing for a ride since I didn't get a chance on Saturday and so I began my normal ride out to VF.
I was warm and wet (like all the ladies get for Joey T now) until well past Manyunk and onto the beginning of the VF trail. By the time I hit Conshi (Conshohockon to all you non-phillies) I was getting chilly and so I decide to do my more typically hilly route on the road. So I deviated off the ever-safe bike path and did the winding route to VF. It was a smart decision as every time I went uphill I warmed up, though I totally forgot that the last mile or 2 before VF Park was all downhill. I FROOOZEEE, and when I hit VF park all I could think of was the electric hand dryer in the Men's bathroom at the park. I got in there and just stood in front of that thing for at least 8 minutes, just hitting it constantly trying to feel something again.
Finally, before I was actually ready to leave, some people showed up and since I didn't want to act like one of the many homeless so common in the Philly bathrooms, I decided to pack it up and get moving again. Man I was coooold, though i realized that since I hadn't ridden hard during the ride, that I had a lot of juice in my legs to try to warm up my core. I CRANKED it the first 8-10 miles or so out of the park, flying I tell you, absolutely flying. Like 53-15 going 90rpm flying. There was not a soul on the trail for the first time since last winter, it was great! Though I was still f'ing cold and couldn't back off the pedals, as soon as I straighten up to stretch my back, I would freeze again with teeth chattering and calves shaking. So I was still flying when I was coming into the Norristown train station area.
This area is always sketchy and this ride proved it ever again when on probably the only painted section of the whole 20 miles back to Philly I spun out my rear wheel and landed hard on the assfault (man I was pissed at myself!) I had been so attuned to avoiding all metal and paint when leaving the city, that when I actually was riding the trail, I totally forgot that I still might have to watch out for the dreaded Yellow Painted Line! So now I'm the gimpster again with another set of torn shorts and a busted hip. The swelling's gone down quickly and so it's looking like I'll avoid the Dr., but man, nothing like taking yourself out to make you feel like a dork! At least I now get respect in Sou Phil as I got that gangsta pimp walk down now.
Ride on!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
The East Coast rocking in Boulder
None other than Ms. Compton and Joey Thompson (u23). I know the DCCoD must be smiling knowing that their offspring are rocking the National scene.
Also this Friday I went with my ex-girlfriend/housemate to the Tug McGraw Cancer Foudation Shindig. Man oh man was it cool. The 1980 Philly World Series team was there. I even got to pee in the urinal between Mike Schmidt and Bob Boon(sp?)!!!
Also my ex-lady wiped out her table playing Texas Hold'em (her first time ever playing it) and she won the raffel at the end of the night and good ol' sports announcer Bob Costas announced her name. Nothing like hearing someone you know come out of the lips of Bob Costas!
Joined up with my cool mofo training buddies from last winter for a sweet 4 hr. ride today. It always amazes me how much faster a group can do a ride, than one done solo as it would have easily taken 4 1/2 if I had done it by myself.
Got the Guys' Racing party tonight at the Manyunk brewery. That should be a blast as I haven't caught up with my people for a while.
Ride on!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Girlfriend fo' free!
Really tho boys and girls. While it may seem cool to move in when you're hot for your new someone, it's not the best thing, especially if the other's lease is coming do and you feel like you could help them (and yourself) out if you lived together. Don't go this route, as talk to Fitzy or me, and we'll tell you it takes more time to undo what was quickly done!
On a super-duper more positive note, my buddy Whit from college, who's now on the Wesside (cali) hooked me up with a new jamis 853 road frame when I told him how my old one had an issue. I'm totally psyched as I have a new bike project without having to actually buy a new bike!!! I actually won't be riding this bike once it's build it up, so if anyone knows any tall people out there (it's a 61cm frame) who would want a cheap, but hooked up bike for cheap, drop me a line. I'll have pictures up sooner than later.
ALSO, super mad East Coast props goes out to Westside Whit as he's now started his own frame building business making Whitworth Cycles. He's been a madman at the welder for at least the last 5 years, but now with some of that West Coast backing, he's going to start whipping up some frames. I have no clue what they'll be, but I know the world can rest assured that they will be super ass smoking good!
Ride on!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Straight Bike Pimp'n
Also joined up with a gym for the first time in 2 years (philly sports club). Damn it felt great to be all sore again! Isn't it weird how if you just woke up all sore one morning, you'd get all stressed out that something isn't right, but if it was the day after hitting the gym in a while, it sure makes you feel good?
So the first week (at the gym) felt great and this past week was even better as my complimentary one hour workout with a personal trainer was with the hottest one there (a woman of course, sorry Tom!) Nothing like a fine lady making you do one more rep just for her...
Rode in the hellacious winds today out to VF park. The whole day I was having Seaford 2000 flashbacks when we would be going full gas into a head wind at like 14 mph, then turn and be spinning out at 40mph.
OH shit, I forgot to say, this is big news since I haven't rocked out in Old City since Christine's B-day in 2004 (that's still a night to remember as I was a tad inebriated and lost from 2-4am while tropical storm Ivan stormed all around, plus it was the weekend before my bro's wedding) I went out with the Pepster Friday night. He was one of the uberstars of my old office and since I've left my old firm, we hadn't had too much time to catch up, so we planned to meet at McGillans on Sansom St. at 7pm. That place was rocking and since Philly is now Smoke Free (almost...) you could actually see people in there. McGillans is Philly's oldest bar (from the 1700's I believe) and we would go there after work once and a while since it was just a block from my old office. I totally dug it in there now that I could breathe. Plus they had Woodchuck on tap, which was the first time since 1999, when I had some on tap at some bar around Loyola College in Baltimore, that I was able to savor the tasty ness that only a keg of apple-cidar could bring. Man it was good, I almost didn't want to leave McGillans, though the Pepster and I decided to check out his old place, the Blue Martini, where he pretty much knew everyone. It was a cool scene, though a little dead, so we headed across the street to some other Irish bar where it was hopping like mad. A cool scene and again I had some apple cidar, though this time they had the real stuff, hot mulled cidar with Cinnamon Schnaps, a perfect drink to take any chill off and then some. I was feeling all the apple cidars, though luckily the walk back to the Blue M., was only about 100 feet and again, since the Pepster is cool-money g with the Blue people, we didn't wait at the door and were soon rocking out to the Blue's House Dj. He mixed it up wicked well and had the plac jumping all night from probably 11:30pm to 1:30 when the Pepster and I decided to roll.
Overall it was a killer of a night as I didn't spend much at all, plus the rain wasn't much of anything. I'm pissed though that I missed the madness down in Wilmington at the Halloween Loop on Saturday. I pissed away almost my whole day on Saturday as this light-weight was crushed until about 4pm. It's amazing how 5 drinks knocked me on my arse.
I really need to have something up at my place before too long. It's amazingly almost now finished since moving in May 2005!!!
Ride on,
Also for Dieter and your recent duress, don't stress about having a few bad races, that shit comes and goes, it's hard to be a true gangsta racer all year long, and you do it, so you have mad crazy props from everyone (don't you forget it either!). I'm thinking there's just serious smackdown building up in your legs and all those peeps better watch out. Dude, on an aside I'm sorry for not giving a mic-shout out to you at Granogue, I was totally looking for a FORT jersey. I'm such a looser...
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
The mysteriously lubing, non-lubing lube.

This past weekend was the finest of all the Granogue cross races I've ever attended. Perfect weather, huge attendence and also a mighty battle between Canada and the US (FYI, the US won). There's many a good race report out there, just link up to and read his stuff and all the many crossers reports. Also don't forget to check out for all your bike porn. Again I sadly watched it from the sideline, though already like a mad-scientist I'm plotting a most fitting return to racing on another day.

It was a blast seeing all the passion going into making sure this was another kick ass production (a DCCOD production to be exact). It always blows my mind at how much preparation goes into this race and then whammo, in just a few hours it's turned into total cluster-funkland all around with everyone wasted and walking around dazed wondering what happened. It makes me think of probably like the first time we all had sex, so much planning for so little time actually doing it and then afterwards wondering what just happened?

This year I was stoked that I actually didn't have to announce the pro-races as it gave me a chance to finally check out the race during the "prime-time" as each year I've never had the chance to actually spectate. It totally rocked to see KC back in town still smacking the other ladies around, and felt great to see so many of my ol' homies rocking out in the front of their races.
All that watching other people ride bikes totally stoked me up for some riding on Sunday and even though my legs were TOAST from doing my first leg workout at a gym in 2 years on Friday, I decided to do one of my harder rides out to VF and back. But before I hopped on the trusty black bike, I had to air the tyre and lube the chain. So out I busted my trusty Park Pump (which has a horrible base, but pumps to 125psi as easy as most go to 2psi) and then I busted out my Pedros lube. I've been using this trusty lube for about 4 months now, but lately I've noticed my gears just aren't shifting well, so I decided to lube it extra this time, like extra to the point that it's dripping off the chain so I have to wipe a little off. Well as I back peddle the bike and squeeze and squeeze the bottle I don't notice that the chain's getting any better. So I check the drip hole and sure enough it's fine as I stick an end for a new cable down it, and it goes through. I put it back on the bike and repeat the backpeddling and squeezing the dripper, but amazingly the chain still isn't uber lubed. So now I think something's up. I check out the chain and then look at the lube bottle again, nothing's come out. I'm like wow, that's interesting...hmm why?....well I unscrew the dripper and OOOPS, I forgot to take off the foil way back when I got the lube and amazingly just by touching the plastic dripper to the chain I've thought I had been lubing the chain, but instead I had been a victim of the Placebo Lubing effect. All this time I had thought I had been lubing a chain (as it sure as hell kept getting dirty after every ride) and it never really shifted bad at all. I think once or twice since June I had used another lube, but overall during the past 4 months I haven't strayed from my Pedros, my Placebo Effect Pedros....
So anyways, I took the foil off and dripped oil on the chain and immediately saw the wet look appear and sure enough my chain soon quieted down, though I hadn't realized how noisy it had become. I couldn't believe I had let myself do this for so long, but honestly, I hadn't had a reason to doubt my chain wasn't being lubed because it always shifted perfectly. And of COURSE during my fine ride to VF it shifted more crazily then it ever had before, making me wonder if maybe the lube wasn't the best idea, as the Philly sludge built up the chain seemed to have worked better...
Ride on!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Bettini at Lombardia
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Savaged by the Century
It was a fine day, but turned out quite hard as the wind got stronger as the day wore on. It ended up being a total ride time of about 7 and 1/2 hours. Much longer than I thought it would be, but while out riding, it didn't feel even close to that long.
The food was pretty good throughout, though I was bummed when they ran out of Figgy bars on the final rest stop. I don't get why you need 1.2 million chocolate chip cookies and only 1000 figgy bars. Cyclist love their figgy bars!!!
Here's some of the hardcore shots of the posse. I'm having trouble posting messages under them, though the WW dude is obviously Mr. Logik. The solo shot is the El Presidente Rico of the Guys Squad.

Friday, October 13, 2006
A week in San Fran

Then for lunch we would head over here, where I would give them lip by telling them they aren't white trash and un-American enough to sell Cheese Steaks that South Phillians would proudly call the Best.

Here's the picture I took of a map so if I lost the map, I would still have a picture of it to reference:

In case you ever travel to San Fran yourself, here's the BART safety list to keep nice and safe. It would actually be useful if the train wasn't suspended 80 feet in the air and went 60+mph...Also, the Bart stations would have the usual "Do Not Eat" and "Do Not Smoke" signs, but they also had an additional "Do Not Grafiti" sign. Aren't the signs themself Grafiti?

This ain't your mom's Rice A Roni Treat (courtesy of the Butterfly on Pier 35):

Yo, there's a store out in San Fran's "North Beach" for all those looking to add some Jalepeno's to their lovin':

I had a blast out there and lucky for me one of my best-estes of college buddy's, Whit, had moved out there and so we hung out on Monday afternoon talked bike stuff and caught up. It bummed me out when I found out I could have stayed until Sunday and rode a bike up some of the crazy steep mtn's that surround us. Oh yes, and that blue sky never changes.

I definitely lost some fitness while I was out there, but I'm going to get it back and then some this weekend when some Guys teamates and I head down to be Savaged at the Century heading out from Barksdale Rd. tomorrow.
Maybe see some of you whippersnappers out?
Hope so!
Ride on,
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
RIP Jon Dechau
We all have to fight for rights on the road...
Cyclist killed near Rochester, NY
By Alan Coté
American cyclist Jon Dechau (33) was killed after being struck from behind by a motorist on September 13. The accident occurred in Lima, New York, USA, about 20 miles south of Rochester.
The Livingston County sheriff’s office said that Dechau was riding westbound on the shoulder of route 20 approximately two feet to the right of the white line. A sheriff’s spokesman said a westbound vehicle driven by Sharon Cameron, 61, crossed the white line and struck Dechau from behind at approximately 45-50 mph, and Dechau died at the scene.
Cameron could not provide an explanation to police as to why her vehicle drifted from the travel lane to the shoulder. She freely submitted to a blood test as part of the accident investigation, and police do not believe she was under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Results of the investigation will determine if charges will be filed against Cameron.
Dechau was a champion cyclist who began racing with the Genesee Valley Cycling Club in 1989. His cycling accomplishments included winning numerous medals at the Empire State Games and State Championships, competing in the 2000 Olympic trials, and two top-20 finishes in the US National Time Trial Championships. In late 2000 he signed to ride as pro for the ill-fated Noblehouse team, before turning his attention to family and work in more recent years. A man of deep Christian faith, he leaves his wife Debbie, 9 year old son Tyler, and new born baby Lillian Page.
(A funeral is planned for 11 AM on Monday, September 18th. Zion Fellowship Canandaigua, NY 14424
Sunday, September 17, 2006
OD'ing on Chocolate in Hershey PA
Both Saturday and today we rode all along the winding farm roads which surround Hershey. Yesterday was a long slow ride as we got our bearings and busted out the map every 3-5miles of the ride, as since the firm was buying every meal, we didn't want to miss the 2 hour window for lunch. We barely made it back in time, as we became uber lost at one point, as we thought we were North of Hershey by a few miles and we were actually SOUTH of the town by a few miles...
Today the ride was short and sweet, just 25 miles of crazy rollers with sharp blind turns. It would've been a perfect course for a road race.
Gotta fly,
ride on,
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
You only get a few chances, make sure you don't pass 'em up!
During the funeral I was really glad I took off from work a few weeks ago to ride in DE and then visit him, as even though he appeared ok that visit and looked like he could keep on going a good while longer, my family felt that things weren't the best for him. Sure enough, his lungs finally gave out from the Mesothelioma which he had somehow been living with undetected that past few months.
There's one thing I'm not happy about though because I had told him about my trip to Ecuador in January 2005 and had promised to bring him all the pictures for us to go over; as he had traveled widely throughout his life and documented it extensively with photos from all around the world, though he had never visited Ecuador and so he was quite interested to see my shots.
So I'm going to post a link my bro created for me way back when so the rest of the world can see.
and post my favorite shot of all from the trip.
I had a good weekend of riding, with many things on my mind, it's amazing how hard and long I can ride without realizing it until I get home, eat and then am totally trashed from it.
And one last comment on life and luck. Throughout my life I've had this uncanny ability to wish something, to desire something and for it to happen. Tonight it just happened as I was writing this. There's a really good trance track that's been running through my head today and out of one of the 100 live shows I have, it's just about a 2 minute track out of about 5000 minutes of shows. So tonight, when my Itunes was giving me trouble I went to my file "121" clicked on the first show I thought I hadn't listened to in a while, this was without thinking or even knowing that it was the show which had the track I've been hearing in my head all day. Also I don't listen to any of my live shows anymore b/c I have iTunes to listen to 24/7.
Crazy stuff...
I'm happy to say that the new job is going great. You sure can't beat a stocked fridge of drinks, hot Starbucks and 10 kinds of fresh tea every day. Plus everyone there is wicked cool and helpful. Plus the trading platform we get to use is SICK!
Alright now, time for bed. Thanks Chunky-Monk for the pics of me riding.
That was the coolest thing running into Marky-Marc and da Monk 2 weeks ago and then this past weekend running into Tom Dearlove riding out here. In a city of 1.somethingmillion people and I see a friendly face 2 weeks in a row. You can't beat that luck, so I bought a powerball ticket today...
Ride on,
Don't disregard your chances, they are few and far between!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Change your light bulb
What's astounding is that they don't even mention the connection that if you have a bulb running 70% cooler, then your cooling costs for buildings will also decrease, further leading to a decrease in electricity usage and possibly longer life for existing HVAC infrastructure.
The Who's your Daddy Test
I bet I'm the only one in the World to do this, but did anyone else email this article to someone blindly and ask them who their daddy was?
Today was my first full day off from work and it's been great taking it a little easy. I start the new job in 8 days.
I had to get 5 sets of finger prints, I went down to 2nd and Walnut street down in Old City. That place was the bomb. You just show up, pay a lot of money and bam! you are done in a just a few minutes. Lucky for me the new firm is picking up the fingerprinting tab.
Like most the DE bloggers, I too visited the hard-core land of singlespeed beer drinkingness on Saturday (thanks for calling me Ted). It was great to see Marky-Marc, his body guard C-M, Rob Garrison (whom I bought my first MTB from in 1997, a Grove Inovations tricked out with XTR, Grafton Joysticks, and a dope wheelset built by Rob himself), Buddy, TedLogikk, Les Leach, Nick Schaffer, Matty T, and some other iggas whom I hadn't seen in a long while. I was quite impressed by the mad skilz exhibited by everyone on the skills course. It made me want to do stupid stuff on a mtb. again. Damn it's been a while since I was out mtb'ing...
I got to kick-ass friends moving away this coming weekend and I wish I could be there to celebrate, but alas, I also need to get away from everything and up to the Lake House with my lady. Here's a picture of Sonya and Kyle at Sonya's 30th b-day party. As you can tell, these two are fun to be around. I'll definitely miss 'em both!
Well I said my adios from work yesterday and everyone was pretty darn cool, wishing me luck and telling me they knew I was going to head on eventually. Hopefully the new place won't get boring too quickly.
Man, that big T-Storm is hitting Philly right now. I see that DE has some Tornados swirling around down there. I'm sooo glad I actually decided to check the weather before I went out riding at 3 to Valley Forge. I would have been screwed.
Ride on y'all hope you enjoy the week.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Dude, it's been a month.

Hey Y'all been busy the past 2 months job searching like a true mo'fo and riding like a bad mo'fo on the weekends. It's amazing how fit I've become even though I'm doing way less miles than I used to. I'm finally making the jump to another investment firm as of today and I can't wait! I feel like I'm about to start my first day of college right now it feels so good!
But before I start, I'm taking my fine lady up to my family's lake house up at Lake Boon in Massachusetts. This is the house my great-great Grandfather built. It ROCKS, here's the view from the bedroom at the top of the house:

This is the house which is just about 45 minutes from Fitchburg, so hopefully one day I can actually have all my cycling posse up there to chill as we race for a few days. I can't wait to take Thea up Wachussett MTN!!! Ha, and she thinks the climbs I take her up around Philly are rough, How little does she know.....
I got out for a wicked good hill ride on Wednesday night and felt the strongest I have all year. I rode out to Manyunk, did the infamouse La Colina hill and then spanked all the Motherclucking hills in Gladwin and then did a sick TT back to Manyunk on the VF trail. It definitely helped that before riding I ate a few Chocolate covered expresso beans, those things should be illegal how well they worked. Well, since this is Philly and most rides are never perfect, I had just left Manyunk and took the right turn on Kelly Dr. when I decided that since it was dusk I would go on the sidewalk to be safer. It was safer, for about 20 seconds, when I came upon a runner who I shouted on your Left, he then proceeded to run left which forced me to either run into him or ride off the sidewalk and back onto Kelly Dr. DAMN I WAS LUCKY! There weren't any cars at that second, but man would I have been Funked up if there was...Dude I love my I-pod, but WTF is up with people these days. I've had too many close calls with cyclists, runners and rollerbladers who have the music so jacked up, they couldn't hear a cop siren even if it was next to them.
DUDE, has anyone seen the new Lemond Poprad? Dope it is:
I still don't know what I'll ride when I race some Cross. Does anyone know of someone who has a 59-61cm frame or bike for sale? Hit me up.
Ride on champs,
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Put the needle on the Record
It was a week ago that I had my first real group ride in MONTHS. Thanks to Dieter, Christian, Mike, John, and some other dudes doing a paceline around the drives. It was great to tag on and remember what it felt like to draft. I couldn't believe how easy it is to ride hard when you have a perfect pace line going. We tried it again tonight, but it wasn't the same effect for some reason???
Anyways, it was cool to see Robin Leach's son Ryan out there riding with us lowly racer wannabees. Dude, sorry I turned around quick after chatting, but the Dr. that rebuilt my hand rode by and I hadn't caught up to him for about 2 months and it totally made his day when he saw me back on the bike. Dr. Trager's a cool MF as he's not only one of the Best Hand Surgeons in Philly, but also an IronMan Competitor.
It's called SNAP
Stay off my back or I will attack and you don't want that.
I had 2 interviews today with 2 different investment firms in Philly. It just happens that they were both in the same building It was nervous duty as not only were they both in the same building and just a few hours apart, but the building was ACROSS the street from one of my current employer's office whom I had told I was taking the day off to "ride my bike".
WOW, I don't think my brain could have been more fried than those Reagan Era Posters of eggs on a pan. It felt so good tonight to just ride and hold that wheel in front of me. Throughout the day, those 2 interviews resulted in me meeting with 7 people, with each having their own unique way and asking their own questions. I had a great time, but when the final person asked me if I had any questions, it was the first time all day when my brain was blank and stayed blank. Not a good sign, but at least I had already met with him once in the morning and I asked away with my ????'s.
I have to say I owe all my Success to Marky-MARC ( who first gave me the props to join FU Securities back in '02. Dude, not a day goes by without me asking the Gods of cycling to give you the strength to give eternal smackness in the Forest of Bike Heaven. I still wish you could swap on to the road again so I can work for you on some leadouts....
So I've been riding to work the past 2 months. It ROCKS!!! I get to work in the time it used to take me to walk to the subway from my house. So not only does it save me time, it's also saving me $$ as it's $2.60 a day in tokens, so do the math and it's $13.00 a week, times 8, and WALLAH, I've saved $143,392.00 and so now I'm going to buy that set of Lightweight wheels I've been eyeing on
I'm thinking of trying out the Sat. morning TT on West River Drive this weekend. The last time I "raced" it was back in '03, when Marky-Marc was also frequently seen on a road bike. I can't believe it's been over 3 years since I did a TT as that's pretty much how I train. For those that don't know, the TT occurs every Sat. Morning at 7am and starts right where the road is closed off. It's a great test of fitness and the perfect way to start your morning before the hoochies on the hoopties start get in the way on West River Dr.
So I'm chilling writing on this computer and listening to some nice classic dance from the 90's. That's where I got some of my random words from this post. Nothing like hearing Technotronic and SNAP again.
OH, I found a new hot weather suppliment. Trader Joes sells those EmerGenC packets. They freaking rock for hot long rides, also you feel like you are some big time doper busting out some illicent substance when you break out the little packet and pour the contents into the bottle
Word up, have fun riding bikes everyone!
Friday, July 14, 2006
I'm still alive, just busy!
Anyways, taking an evening off from riding to do less serious stuff, like reading the Tour and what do I find, but a sweet article on Floyd from OUTSIDE mag:
It's a must read, especially if you've read the lastest BICYCLING issue with the Floyd and Zabriski article.
I've been riding like a Rockstar the past 2 weeks, but alas without any BASE (all your base belong to us...don't forget!) miles, I've gotten nasty tendonitis behind my left knee...But hey, isn't that what Ibruprofin's for?
I'm looking forward to some riding this weekend as last weekend was my own person Hills from Hell as I did my long ride out to Valley Forge on Saturday, and then on Sunday I took Thea to my father's house and rode from Brandywine Creek area to Newark Main St., back to Brandywine Creek Park area. It was a good ride for me, but poor Thea had ridden like 9 days in a row (bicycles, not me!) and she was more cooked than the homeless dude that camps out in front of my building (Tom McFarland to those who know, I'll have pictures of him soon).
So I'm riding my sweet Carbon Scott these days, it's a fine, fine ride, wicked light with the DerAche stuff on it, but man, every wheelset I throw on it feels whippy these days. I don't know if I'll have to buy a carbon rear, but every time I get out of the saddle to climb I hear my rear wheel hitting the brakes.
Sorry Y'all, no Fairhill for me this weekend. I'd love to rock out and see everyone race their butt off on one of the Easside's sweetest races, but I'm going to be putting in the miles again on the road, though I may feel good enough to ride out there and say hi! Good luck to all you pimp daddies and wonder women of the fat tire kingdom.
Thea, Grandmother and I
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Back on the Bike
My bro sent me this link to his video:
Check out the "Destroy She Said" video
DIETER, that ones for you.
I've been working my arse off at work. 10 hour days for the last few weeks as I'm still trying to catch up, but also I'm now getting out and riding after work which has totally helped me catch up on fitness. OH Yes, I'm also trying to get the phunk outta there sometime soon.
I'm finally doping out the Scott Carbon frame with the DurAche parts which were on my C'dale. That puppy's going to be LIGHT when it's finally done.
Hope everyone's out riding these days, the weather rocks!
Ride on!