Livin' it up in Ben Franklin's town. Riding a bike in the city; damn! watch out for those trolley tracks (slippery when wet!) Whoa, that's what a hoochie mama looks like! I don't think I'm in Delaware anymore.....

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Escalator

We have escalators in my building. I'm on them every day. Some days I'm on them every hour. My new firm has 2 offices in the building and it's quicker to take the escalator up to the second one, then taking a walk through my office to the other one. Everyday I fly up the escalator, taking 2 steps at a time. It's sick how fast I get upstairs, probably less than 5 seconds, yet most people kick back and enjoy the ride and I always wonder what's so good about a riding a Phunking escalator compared to having a few extra seconds to your life? Yes, I understand that some people may need a rest, but most people riding it are people who sit on their arse at the office 8-10 hrs. a day. AND yes I know it doesn't make too much of a difference, but still, at the end of my life, I would like to know I spent time enjoying life and not just going along for the ride.

On the cycling note. I'll be mc'ing the Guy's cross race this Saturday. I was planning on riding, but I didn't realize it's way the phunk out away from Center City Philly. It's ironic that Philly has the Nation's biggest Urban Park, but yet not a single cycling team is using it to stage a cross race (anymore).

So my ex-lady's moving out soon and that means I'll finally have a house warming party. I've yet to have one, even though I've been here over a year and a half now! I couldn't have one while she was here as she's not the rowdy type. So once it get's cold, think houseWarming party, OK?!

Oh Snap, forgot to tell you I did the ol' stupid ride every year or 3 this past Sunday. It was misting out, yet called for gloom and doom any second. I was jonseing for a ride since I didn't get a chance on Saturday and so I began my normal ride out to VF.

I was warm and wet (like all the ladies get for Joey T now) until well past Manyunk and onto the beginning of the VF trail. By the time I hit Conshi (Conshohockon to all you non-phillies) I was getting chilly and so I decide to do my more typically hilly route on the road. So I deviated off the ever-safe bike path and did the winding route to VF. It was a smart decision as every time I went uphill I warmed up, though I totally forgot that the last mile or 2 before VF Park was all downhill. I FROOOZEEE, and when I hit VF park all I could think of was the electric hand dryer in the Men's bathroom at the park. I got in there and just stood in front of that thing for at least 8 minutes, just hitting it constantly trying to feel something again.
Finally, before I was actually ready to leave, some people showed up and since I didn't want to act like one of the many homeless so common in the Philly bathrooms, I decided to pack it up and get moving again. Man I was coooold, though i realized that since I hadn't ridden hard during the ride, that I had a lot of juice in my legs to try to warm up my core. I CRANKED it the first 8-10 miles or so out of the park, flying I tell you, absolutely flying. Like 53-15 going 90rpm flying. There was not a soul on the trail for the first time since last winter, it was great! Though I was still f'ing cold and couldn't back off the pedals, as soon as I straighten up to stretch my back, I would freeze again with teeth chattering and calves shaking. So I was still flying when I was coming into the Norristown train station area.
This area is always sketchy and this ride proved it ever again when on probably the only painted section of the whole 20 miles back to Philly I spun out my rear wheel and landed hard on the assfault (man I was pissed at myself!) I had been so attuned to avoiding all metal and paint when leaving the city, that when I actually was riding the trail, I totally forgot that I still might have to watch out for the dreaded Yellow Painted Line! So now I'm the gimpster again with another set of torn shorts and a busted hip. The swelling's gone down quickly and so it's looking like I'll avoid the Dr., but man, nothing like taking yourself out to make you feel like a dork! At least I now get respect in Sou Phil as I got that gangsta pimp walk down now.

Ride on!


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