Then for lunch we would head over here, where I would give them lip by telling them they aren't white trash and un-American enough to sell Cheese Steaks that South Phillians would proudly call the Best.

Here's the picture I took of a map so if I lost the map, I would still have a picture of it to reference:

In case you ever travel to San Fran yourself, here's the BART safety list to keep nice and safe. It would actually be useful if the train wasn't suspended 80 feet in the air and went 60+mph...Also, the Bart stations would have the usual "Do Not Eat" and "Do Not Smoke" signs, but they also had an additional "Do Not Grafiti" sign. Aren't the signs themself Grafiti?

This ain't your mom's Rice A Roni Treat (courtesy of the Butterfly on Pier 35):

Yo, there's a store out in San Fran's "North Beach" for all those looking to add some Jalepeno's to their lovin':

I had a blast out there and lucky for me one of my best-estes of college buddy's, Whit, had moved out there and so we hung out on Monday afternoon talked bike stuff and caught up. It bummed me out when I found out I could have stayed until Sunday and rode a bike up some of the crazy steep mtn's that surround us. Oh yes, and that blue sky never changes.

I definitely lost some fitness while I was out there, but I'm going to get it back and then some this weekend when some Guys teamates and I head down to be Savaged at the Century heading out from Barksdale Rd. tomorrow.
Maybe see some of you whippersnappers out?
Hope so!
Ride on,
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