Hey Y'all been busy the past 2 months job searching like a true mo'fo and riding like a bad mo'fo on the weekends. It's amazing how fit I've become even though I'm doing way less miles than I used to. I'm finally making the jump to another investment firm as of today and I can't wait! I feel like I'm about to start my first day of college right now it feels so good!
But before I start, I'm taking my fine lady up to my family's lake house up at Lake Boon in Massachusetts. This is the house my great-great Grandfather built. It ROCKS, here's the view from the bedroom at the top of the house:

This is the house which is just about 45 minutes from Fitchburg, so hopefully one day I can actually have all my cycling posse up there to chill as we race for a few days. I can't wait to take Thea up Wachussett MTN!!! Ha, and she thinks the climbs I take her up around Philly are rough, How little does she know.....
I got out for a wicked good hill ride on Wednesday night and felt the strongest I have all year. I rode out to Manyunk, did the infamouse La Colina hill and then spanked all the Motherclucking hills in Gladwin and then did a sick TT back to Manyunk on the VF trail. It definitely helped that before riding I ate a few Chocolate covered expresso beans, those things should be illegal how well they worked. Well, since this is Philly and most rides are never perfect, I had just left Manyunk and took the right turn on Kelly Dr. when I decided that since it was dusk I would go on the sidewalk to be safer. It was safer, for about 20 seconds, when I came upon a runner who I shouted on your Left, he then proceeded to run left which forced me to either run into him or ride off the sidewalk and back onto Kelly Dr. DAMN I WAS LUCKY! There weren't any cars at that second, but man would I have been Funked up if there was...Dude I love my I-pod, but WTF is up with people these days. I've had too many close calls with cyclists, runners and rollerbladers who have the music so jacked up, they couldn't hear a cop siren even if it was next to them.
DUDE, has anyone seen the new Lemond Poprad? Dope it is:
I still don't know what I'll ride when I race some Cross. Does anyone know of someone who has a 59-61cm frame or bike for sale? Hit me up.
Ride on champs,
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