Livin' it up in Ben Franklin's town. Riding a bike in the city; damn! watch out for those trolley tracks (slippery when wet!) Whoa, that's what a hoochie mama looks like! I don't think I'm in Delaware anymore.....

Monday, June 11, 2007

You gotta love Philly

Thinking about how I was going to fund a new bike and sure enough, all I had to do was look up during my contemplation in the Subway and see how to get the ca$h.

Outside my office this past week was some filming of that "Always Sunny in Philly" TV show. It wasn't too exciting, except for the fact that every hot girl thought it would be cool to hang out and watch the set, so my office was pretty much ignoring the set and watching the hotties. I was on the look out for DDB, also known as "David Anthony", but I guess he's not a grip for that TV show.

Rocked out at the Manayunk wall for the bike race yesterday. It was sick, it TOTALLY lived up to the hype and then some. There are only a few parties I've ever been to that even came close to the sillyness I saw or did there.

I was going crazy when the 2 Navigators attacked, phukkin' balzy, I LOVE it. Sorry for the blurry pics, but for a cell phone camera, I think these pics hold there own.

A little chase group action with the Mexican dude, and another guy. The Mexican dudes could climb. I wonder how they would have done if the typically heat had shown itself???

I walked up the Wall and down the descent once. The descent really is the real deal, as these are not the most pristine roads. Though they did repave a really bad part of Ridge Ave (the descent off the Wall) just 2 weeks ago.

So I was on my way back down the Wall, back to the Party at the base of the climb and what do I hear, but a chear as a solo rider's coming up the climb. She's about a minute and a half back from the pack, but people are cheering like she's the leader and damn, I start cheering and then I go uber nuts when I realize it's Lisa Vible, and I start screaming at the top of my lungs for her. The rest of the crowd start cheering her name too as they hear me yelling it and I begin sprinting up the hill yelling crazily at her, it gave me chills seeing her fly up that hill, heck I didn't even notice I jammed the hell out of my big toe until well after she was gone. It was awesome to see a friend racing, it really made the day!!! My voice is still trashed today from all the yelling I did...

Sadly, I didn't get a pic of her, as I was in a frenzy cheering for her :-(.

It was an awesome day and I was in bed by 8:30, as when you start rocking out at 9am, it definitely takes a toll.

Hope y'all had a great weekend of riding!

Ride on,


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