It was a blast and heck I even got teary-eyed at one point (during his brother's toast, that was phucking awesome GL!), but Deb (his awesome wife) didn't get the memo that there had to be at least one single woman invited to the wedding, damn I had a king sized bed that night too....
I also did something which wasn't too good, though I'll admit I was hanging out with my trouble-making friend, Jim Beam, and his friend Ginger at the time, as I walked off with a book by Sir Francis Bacon (it was located in a bookroom at the place which was rented for the reception). I hate to admit it, but I'm not feeling guilty that the book's now in my posession. I'm already becoming enlightened from the wicked hard to read, but passionate writings of the dude, plus it was only collecting dust on the bookshelf (also with no fine ladies to talk or dance with, what's a solo dude to do, but read Sir Francis Bacon during a wedding reception?)
OK, back to there not being any single women at the wedding, I did some calling around and complaining with my lady friends and they were all like, "if we are invited to a wedding, we always invite some dude to go with us, even if we aren't dating." SERIOUSLY WTF, yes one more, WTF are chics smoking these days? Are they trying to stay single forever? Who's ever heard of going to a wedding with just some random dude or even ex-boyfriend for that matter just so you have someone to go with? Weddings aren't the phucking prom, it's ok to show up unattached, actually it should be mandatory unless their's a ring of defense involved (aka wedding band)! Haven't they noticed weddings are the best place to meet single dudes?
OK, rant finished...
My work week was brutal this week. My co-worker rockstar was partying it up with company execs down in Palm Springs, while I was trying my best not to get my licenses revoked, ah, but all is well and forgotten when my backs to the door walking away at 6:30pm tonight. Looking forward to some type of bike riding tomorrow. Don't know if I want to do my first helterskelter Ambler ride tomorrow or give it another week. If you ever want to see what a People's Plaza World Championship ride would look like with 50 people (40 of whom are sketchballs) come do this ride behind the Art Museum at 9am on Saturdays. Just ride at the front or else...
Oh well, time to either head out or hit the bed. Hope everyone will enjoy the fine weather tomorrow.
Ride on!
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