Livin' it up in Ben Franklin's town. Riding a bike in the city; damn! watch out for those trolley tracks (slippery when wet!) Whoa, that's what a hoochie mama looks like! I don't think I'm in Delaware anymore.....

Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Word of the Day boys and girls.

Life is simple as that, just go along with it or start it and make sure it doesn't stop.

Everything flows, but doesn't have to.
Cycling feels like flying when you flow and when you stop flowing you typically are flying off your bike...
Work isn't work, it's just having a good time when you flow.
The trees dance in the wind, instead of break, when they flow.
Birds gain altitude in the air when they flow.
DJ's are DJ's because they make it flow.
A paceline is only a paceline when it flows, if not it's a clusterphuk.
Sex is better for both when you flow.
Money's to be made in the market when you flow, go the opposite way and you learn the lesson soon enough.
A river's only a river if it flows meandering along. If it's not then it's an Army Corps of Engineer project.
A highway is only fast when everyone flows. One bad driver, fast or slow, and there's no flow.
A rap's no rhyme if the words don't flow.

Life's a lot easier if you just make your surroundings flow with you, if life ever seems hard, then something must not be flowing and you should correct it asap.

Hit up another warm January day for a ride today. Kept it short, just 2 hrs :-( ,and tackled some hills in Conshi and Gladwynn. Damn I love hills, they really tell you where you are at as far as fitness, and they can be a ton of fun when you flow up them.

Yay, I have the Fatboy Slim Essential Mix again. Nothing like hearing Funky Fresh 100 time in 4 minutes again.

Ride on!


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