My girlfriend's for sale, really it's an everything MUST GO sale. So any offer won't be ignored!!!
Really tho boys and girls. While it may seem cool to move in when you're hot for your new someone, it's not the best thing, especially if the other's lease is coming do and you feel like you could help them (and yourself) out if you lived together. Don't go this route, as talk to Fitzy or me, and we'll tell you it takes more time to undo what was quickly done!
On a super-duper more positive note, my buddy Whit from college, who's now on the Wesside (cali) hooked me up with a new jamis 853 road frame when I told him how my old one had an issue. I'm totally psyched as I have a new bike project without having to actually buy a new bike!!! I actually won't be riding this bike once it's build it up, so if anyone knows any tall people out there (it's a 61cm frame) who would want a cheap, but hooked up bike for cheap, drop me a line. I'll have pictures up sooner than later.
ALSO, super mad East Coast props goes out to Westside Whit as he's now started his own frame building business making Whitworth Cycles. He's been a madman at the welder for at least the last 5 years, but now with some of that West Coast backing, he's going to start whipping up some frames. I have no clue what they'll be, but I know the world can rest assured that they will be super ass smoking good!
Ride on!
Livin' it up in Ben Franklin's town. Riding a bike in the city; damn! watch out for those trolley tracks (slippery when wet!) Whoa, that's what a hoochie mama looks like! I don't think I'm in Delaware anymore.....
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Straight Bike Pimp'n
Sold my car (mazda 3 wagon) this week. Going to be rocking out with my bike out now. Yes I will miss having my own car once and a while, but honestly I didn't really drive it much at all anymore (only 6000 miles since May 2005) and considering I still had 3 years of paying off to do and Philly's crazy $$$'s for car insurance, I'm going to be saving just a hair under $600 a month. I'm thinking that after all the other factors are taken in, I'll probably put away only about $300, since the Philly CarShare (, renting a car every once and a while, and also taking SEPTA will take a bite, but DUDE, it's worth it, b/c I don't have to worry about some punk ass white trash kid breaking into it b/c he thought he saw a penny on the dash.
Also joined up with a gym for the first time in 2 years (philly sports club). Damn it felt great to be all sore again! Isn't it weird how if you just woke up all sore one morning, you'd get all stressed out that something isn't right, but if it was the day after hitting the gym in a while, it sure makes you feel good?
So the first week (at the gym) felt great and this past week was even better as my complimentary one hour workout with a personal trainer was with the hottest one there (a woman of course, sorry Tom!) Nothing like a fine lady making you do one more rep just for her...
Rode in the hellacious winds today out to VF park. The whole day I was having Seaford 2000 flashbacks when we would be going full gas into a head wind at like 14 mph, then turn and be spinning out at 40mph.
OH shit, I forgot to say, this is big news since I haven't rocked out in Old City since Christine's B-day in 2004 (that's still a night to remember as I was a tad inebriated and lost from 2-4am while tropical storm Ivan stormed all around, plus it was the weekend before my bro's wedding) I went out with the Pepster Friday night. He was one of the uberstars of my old office and since I've left my old firm, we hadn't had too much time to catch up, so we planned to meet at McGillans on Sansom St. at 7pm. That place was rocking and since Philly is now Smoke Free (almost...) you could actually see people in there. McGillans is Philly's oldest bar (from the 1700's I believe) and we would go there after work once and a while since it was just a block from my old office. I totally dug it in there now that I could breathe. Plus they had Woodchuck on tap, which was the first time since 1999, when I had some on tap at some bar around Loyola College in Baltimore, that I was able to savor the tasty ness that only a keg of apple-cidar could bring. Man it was good, I almost didn't want to leave McGillans, though the Pepster and I decided to check out his old place, the Blue Martini, where he pretty much knew everyone. It was a cool scene, though a little dead, so we headed across the street to some other Irish bar where it was hopping like mad. A cool scene and again I had some apple cidar, though this time they had the real stuff, hot mulled cidar with Cinnamon Schnaps, a perfect drink to take any chill off and then some. I was feeling all the apple cidars, though luckily the walk back to the Blue M., was only about 100 feet and again, since the Pepster is cool-money g with the Blue people, we didn't wait at the door and were soon rocking out to the Blue's House Dj. He mixed it up wicked well and had the plac jumping all night from probably 11:30pm to 1:30 when the Pepster and I decided to roll.
Overall it was a killer of a night as I didn't spend much at all, plus the rain wasn't much of anything. I'm pissed though that I missed the madness down in Wilmington at the Halloween Loop on Saturday. I pissed away almost my whole day on Saturday as this light-weight was crushed until about 4pm. It's amazing how 5 drinks knocked me on my arse.
I really need to have something up at my place before too long. It's amazingly almost now finished since moving in May 2005!!!
Ride on,
Also for Dieter and your recent duress, don't stress about having a few bad races, that shit comes and goes, it's hard to be a true gangsta racer all year long, and you do it, so you have mad crazy props from everyone (don't you forget it either!). I'm thinking there's just serious smackdown building up in your legs and all those peeps better watch out. Dude, on an aside I'm sorry for not giving a mic-shout out to you at Granogue, I was totally looking for a FORT jersey. I'm such a looser...
Also joined up with a gym for the first time in 2 years (philly sports club). Damn it felt great to be all sore again! Isn't it weird how if you just woke up all sore one morning, you'd get all stressed out that something isn't right, but if it was the day after hitting the gym in a while, it sure makes you feel good?
So the first week (at the gym) felt great and this past week was even better as my complimentary one hour workout with a personal trainer was with the hottest one there (a woman of course, sorry Tom!) Nothing like a fine lady making you do one more rep just for her...
Rode in the hellacious winds today out to VF park. The whole day I was having Seaford 2000 flashbacks when we would be going full gas into a head wind at like 14 mph, then turn and be spinning out at 40mph.
OH shit, I forgot to say, this is big news since I haven't rocked out in Old City since Christine's B-day in 2004 (that's still a night to remember as I was a tad inebriated and lost from 2-4am while tropical storm Ivan stormed all around, plus it was the weekend before my bro's wedding) I went out with the Pepster Friday night. He was one of the uberstars of my old office and since I've left my old firm, we hadn't had too much time to catch up, so we planned to meet at McGillans on Sansom St. at 7pm. That place was rocking and since Philly is now Smoke Free (almost...) you could actually see people in there. McGillans is Philly's oldest bar (from the 1700's I believe) and we would go there after work once and a while since it was just a block from my old office. I totally dug it in there now that I could breathe. Plus they had Woodchuck on tap, which was the first time since 1999, when I had some on tap at some bar around Loyola College in Baltimore, that I was able to savor the tasty ness that only a keg of apple-cidar could bring. Man it was good, I almost didn't want to leave McGillans, though the Pepster and I decided to check out his old place, the Blue Martini, where he pretty much knew everyone. It was a cool scene, though a little dead, so we headed across the street to some other Irish bar where it was hopping like mad. A cool scene and again I had some apple cidar, though this time they had the real stuff, hot mulled cidar with Cinnamon Schnaps, a perfect drink to take any chill off and then some. I was feeling all the apple cidars, though luckily the walk back to the Blue M., was only about 100 feet and again, since the Pepster is cool-money g with the Blue people, we didn't wait at the door and were soon rocking out to the Blue's House Dj. He mixed it up wicked well and had the plac jumping all night from probably 11:30pm to 1:30 when the Pepster and I decided to roll.
Overall it was a killer of a night as I didn't spend much at all, plus the rain wasn't much of anything. I'm pissed though that I missed the madness down in Wilmington at the Halloween Loop on Saturday. I pissed away almost my whole day on Saturday as this light-weight was crushed until about 4pm. It's amazing how 5 drinks knocked me on my arse.
I really need to have something up at my place before too long. It's amazingly almost now finished since moving in May 2005!!!
Ride on,
Also for Dieter and your recent duress, don't stress about having a few bad races, that shit comes and goes, it's hard to be a true gangsta racer all year long, and you do it, so you have mad crazy props from everyone (don't you forget it either!). I'm thinking there's just serious smackdown building up in your legs and all those peeps better watch out. Dude, on an aside I'm sorry for not giving a mic-shout out to you at Granogue, I was totally looking for a FORT jersey. I'm such a looser...
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
The mysteriously lubing, non-lubing lube.

This past weekend was the finest of all the Granogue cross races I've ever attended. Perfect weather, huge attendence and also a mighty battle between Canada and the US (FYI, the US won). There's many a good race report out there, just link up to and read his stuff and all the many crossers reports. Also don't forget to check out for all your bike porn. Again I sadly watched it from the sideline, though already like a mad-scientist I'm plotting a most fitting return to racing on another day.

It was a blast seeing all the passion going into making sure this was another kick ass production (a DCCOD production to be exact). It always blows my mind at how much preparation goes into this race and then whammo, in just a few hours it's turned into total cluster-funkland all around with everyone wasted and walking around dazed wondering what happened. It makes me think of probably like the first time we all had sex, so much planning for so little time actually doing it and then afterwards wondering what just happened?

This year I was stoked that I actually didn't have to announce the pro-races as it gave me a chance to finally check out the race during the "prime-time" as each year I've never had the chance to actually spectate. It totally rocked to see KC back in town still smacking the other ladies around, and felt great to see so many of my ol' homies rocking out in the front of their races.
All that watching other people ride bikes totally stoked me up for some riding on Sunday and even though my legs were TOAST from doing my first leg workout at a gym in 2 years on Friday, I decided to do one of my harder rides out to VF and back. But before I hopped on the trusty black bike, I had to air the tyre and lube the chain. So out I busted my trusty Park Pump (which has a horrible base, but pumps to 125psi as easy as most go to 2psi) and then I busted out my Pedros lube. I've been using this trusty lube for about 4 months now, but lately I've noticed my gears just aren't shifting well, so I decided to lube it extra this time, like extra to the point that it's dripping off the chain so I have to wipe a little off. Well as I back peddle the bike and squeeze and squeeze the bottle I don't notice that the chain's getting any better. So I check the drip hole and sure enough it's fine as I stick an end for a new cable down it, and it goes through. I put it back on the bike and repeat the backpeddling and squeezing the dripper, but amazingly the chain still isn't uber lubed. So now I think something's up. I check out the chain and then look at the lube bottle again, nothing's come out. I'm like wow, that's interesting...hmm why?....well I unscrew the dripper and OOOPS, I forgot to take off the foil way back when I got the lube and amazingly just by touching the plastic dripper to the chain I've thought I had been lubing the chain, but instead I had been a victim of the Placebo Lubing effect. All this time I had thought I had been lubing a chain (as it sure as hell kept getting dirty after every ride) and it never really shifted bad at all. I think once or twice since June I had used another lube, but overall during the past 4 months I haven't strayed from my Pedros, my Placebo Effect Pedros....
So anyways, I took the foil off and dripped oil on the chain and immediately saw the wet look appear and sure enough my chain soon quieted down, though I hadn't realized how noisy it had become. I couldn't believe I had let myself do this for so long, but honestly, I hadn't had a reason to doubt my chain wasn't being lubed because it always shifted perfectly. And of COURSE during my fine ride to VF it shifted more crazily then it ever had before, making me wonder if maybe the lube wasn't the best idea, as the Philly sludge built up the chain seemed to have worked better...
Ride on!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Bettini at Lombardia
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Savaged by the Century
Rode the Savage Century yesterday with a few of my trusty Guys teamates (Rico, Frank, Chris and Jim) and right before we started, was lucky enough to run into Ted (Logik). So out we roll on some of my most favorite roads for training. Man did it bring back a lot of good memories throughout the ride. I couldn't believe how far out we rode, especially when I realized a hard climb we were doing was actually the finishing climb of the famous Mt. Nebo race.
It was a fine day, but turned out quite hard as the wind got stronger as the day wore on. It ended up being a total ride time of about 7 and 1/2 hours. Much longer than I thought it would be, but while out riding, it didn't feel even close to that long.
The food was pretty good throughout, though I was bummed when they ran out of Figgy bars on the final rest stop. I don't get why you need 1.2 million chocolate chip cookies and only 1000 figgy bars. Cyclist love their figgy bars!!!
Here's some of the hardcore shots of the posse. I'm having trouble posting messages under them, though the WW dude is obviously Mr. Logik. The solo shot is the El Presidente Rico of the Guys Squad.

It was a fine day, but turned out quite hard as the wind got stronger as the day wore on. It ended up being a total ride time of about 7 and 1/2 hours. Much longer than I thought it would be, but while out riding, it didn't feel even close to that long.
The food was pretty good throughout, though I was bummed when they ran out of Figgy bars on the final rest stop. I don't get why you need 1.2 million chocolate chip cookies and only 1000 figgy bars. Cyclist love their figgy bars!!!
Here's some of the hardcore shots of the posse. I'm having trouble posting messages under them, though the WW dude is obviously Mr. Logik. The solo shot is the El Presidente Rico of the Guys Squad.

Friday, October 13, 2006
A week in San Fran
I just got back from my first ever "business conference" out in San Francisco. I can't believe who sponsored our conferences every day!

Then for lunch we would head over here, where I would give them lip by telling them they aren't white trash and un-American enough to sell Cheese Steaks that South Phillians would proudly call the Best.

Here's the picture I took of a map so if I lost the map, I would still have a picture of it to reference:

In case you ever travel to San Fran yourself, here's the BART safety list to keep nice and safe. It would actually be useful if the train wasn't suspended 80 feet in the air and went 60+mph...Also, the Bart stations would have the usual "Do Not Eat" and "Do Not Smoke" signs, but they also had an additional "Do Not Grafiti" sign. Aren't the signs themself Grafiti?

This ain't your mom's Rice A Roni Treat (courtesy of the Butterfly on Pier 35):

Yo, there's a store out in San Fran's "North Beach" for all those looking to add some Jalepeno's to their lovin':

I had a blast out there and lucky for me one of my best-estes of college buddy's, Whit, had moved out there and so we hung out on Monday afternoon talked bike stuff and caught up. It bummed me out when I found out I could have stayed until Sunday and rode a bike up some of the crazy steep mtn's that surround us. Oh yes, and that blue sky never changes.

I definitely lost some fitness while I was out there, but I'm going to get it back and then some this weekend when some Guys teamates and I head down to be Savaged at the Century heading out from Barksdale Rd. tomorrow.
Maybe see some of you whippersnappers out?
Hope so!
Ride on,

Then for lunch we would head over here, where I would give them lip by telling them they aren't white trash and un-American enough to sell Cheese Steaks that South Phillians would proudly call the Best.

Here's the picture I took of a map so if I lost the map, I would still have a picture of it to reference:

In case you ever travel to San Fran yourself, here's the BART safety list to keep nice and safe. It would actually be useful if the train wasn't suspended 80 feet in the air and went 60+mph...Also, the Bart stations would have the usual "Do Not Eat" and "Do Not Smoke" signs, but they also had an additional "Do Not Grafiti" sign. Aren't the signs themself Grafiti?

This ain't your mom's Rice A Roni Treat (courtesy of the Butterfly on Pier 35):

Yo, there's a store out in San Fran's "North Beach" for all those looking to add some Jalepeno's to their lovin':

I had a blast out there and lucky for me one of my best-estes of college buddy's, Whit, had moved out there and so we hung out on Monday afternoon talked bike stuff and caught up. It bummed me out when I found out I could have stayed until Sunday and rode a bike up some of the crazy steep mtn's that surround us. Oh yes, and that blue sky never changes.

I definitely lost some fitness while I was out there, but I'm going to get it back and then some this weekend when some Guys teamates and I head down to be Savaged at the Century heading out from Barksdale Rd. tomorrow.
Maybe see some of you whippersnappers out?
Hope so!
Ride on,
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
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