Livin' it up in Ben Franklin's town. Riding a bike in the city; damn! watch out for those trolley tracks (slippery when wet!) Whoa, that's what a hoochie mama looks like! I don't think I'm in Delaware anymore.....
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Change your light bulb
What's astounding is that they don't even mention the connection that if you have a bulb running 70% cooler, then your cooling costs for buildings will also decrease, further leading to a decrease in electricity usage and possibly longer life for existing HVAC infrastructure.
The Who's your Daddy Test
I bet I'm the only one in the World to do this, but did anyone else email this article to someone blindly and ask them who their daddy was?
Today was my first full day off from work and it's been great taking it a little easy. I start the new job in 8 days.
I had to get 5 sets of finger prints, I went down to 2nd and Walnut street down in Old City. That place was the bomb. You just show up, pay a lot of money and bam! you are done in a just a few minutes. Lucky for me the new firm is picking up the fingerprinting tab.
Like most the DE bloggers, I too visited the hard-core land of singlespeed beer drinkingness on Saturday (thanks for calling me Ted). It was great to see Marky-Marc, his body guard C-M, Rob Garrison (whom I bought my first MTB from in 1997, a Grove Inovations tricked out with XTR, Grafton Joysticks, and a dope wheelset built by Rob himself), Buddy, TedLogikk, Les Leach, Nick Schaffer, Matty T, and some other iggas whom I hadn't seen in a long while. I was quite impressed by the mad skilz exhibited by everyone on the skills course. It made me want to do stupid stuff on a mtb. again. Damn it's been a while since I was out mtb'ing...
I got to kick-ass friends moving away this coming weekend and I wish I could be there to celebrate, but alas, I also need to get away from everything and up to the Lake House with my lady. Here's a picture of Sonya and Kyle at Sonya's 30th b-day party. As you can tell, these two are fun to be around. I'll definitely miss 'em both!
Well I said my adios from work yesterday and everyone was pretty darn cool, wishing me luck and telling me they knew I was going to head on eventually. Hopefully the new place won't get boring too quickly.
Man, that big T-Storm is hitting Philly right now. I see that DE has some Tornados swirling around down there. I'm sooo glad I actually decided to check the weather before I went out riding at 3 to Valley Forge. I would have been screwed.
Ride on y'all hope you enjoy the week.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Dude, it's been a month.

Hey Y'all been busy the past 2 months job searching like a true mo'fo and riding like a bad mo'fo on the weekends. It's amazing how fit I've become even though I'm doing way less miles than I used to. I'm finally making the jump to another investment firm as of today and I can't wait! I feel like I'm about to start my first day of college right now it feels so good!
But before I start, I'm taking my fine lady up to my family's lake house up at Lake Boon in Massachusetts. This is the house my great-great Grandfather built. It ROCKS, here's the view from the bedroom at the top of the house:

This is the house which is just about 45 minutes from Fitchburg, so hopefully one day I can actually have all my cycling posse up there to chill as we race for a few days. I can't wait to take Thea up Wachussett MTN!!! Ha, and she thinks the climbs I take her up around Philly are rough, How little does she know.....
I got out for a wicked good hill ride on Wednesday night and felt the strongest I have all year. I rode out to Manyunk, did the infamouse La Colina hill and then spanked all the Motherclucking hills in Gladwin and then did a sick TT back to Manyunk on the VF trail. It definitely helped that before riding I ate a few Chocolate covered expresso beans, those things should be illegal how well they worked. Well, since this is Philly and most rides are never perfect, I had just left Manyunk and took the right turn on Kelly Dr. when I decided that since it was dusk I would go on the sidewalk to be safer. It was safer, for about 20 seconds, when I came upon a runner who I shouted on your Left, he then proceeded to run left which forced me to either run into him or ride off the sidewalk and back onto Kelly Dr. DAMN I WAS LUCKY! There weren't any cars at that second, but man would I have been Funked up if there was...Dude I love my I-pod, but WTF is up with people these days. I've had too many close calls with cyclists, runners and rollerbladers who have the music so jacked up, they couldn't hear a cop siren even if it was next to them.
DUDE, has anyone seen the new Lemond Poprad? Dope it is:
I still don't know what I'll ride when I race some Cross. Does anyone know of someone who has a 59-61cm frame or bike for sale? Hit me up.
Ride on champs,