I was thinking this week, after reading an article in FORBES June 5th, 2006 issue begining on page 90, which mentioned a guy who bought a bankrupt brewery back in the 1990's and is now turning that brewery into an Ethanol refinery. It got me thinking that if BUD decided to convert part of each of their breweries into "refineries" then we would solve part of our alternative energy need quite quickly as BUD has "refineries" all over the US and already has one of the best distribution networks in the US.
I haven't put my money where my "mouth" is, but I wouldn't be surprised if BUD steps up to the plate as they would dwarf ADM (Archer Daniel Midfield) quite quickly if they started doing the Ethanol thing. Plus the "American" brand of Budweiser would be further enriched by helping the US find a positive way out of our Oil struggles.
Any thoughts out there?

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