Sorry for the non-bike related theme, but have to say this was a damn good week for the stock market. Bull market, notice the bull, it's rearing it's head which will head up when it hits you. A bear market is called such as a bear pulls up and then attacks you while it falls down. A bull goes up, a bear goes down. Get it? Hope so.
Damn, again wish I still had my 1000shrs of ESLR at 1.50..hit 11.25 today. Buy and hold people...buy and hold!!
Have to say that Dieter hit on a good theme today, regarding reusing rather than getting rid of what you have, in order to buy something which is marketed as more environmentally efficient. I have a fine friend, talking about you Amy Lynne!, who once stated, while I was talking about Patagonia clothing, how it's better for me to buy from Goodwill/Salvation Army, then it is for me to buy something new and organic from Patagonia. Less resources being used regardless if the new something actually is from organic cotton.
Got a sweet website for you environmental peeps out there:
Kicks ass, been reading them since college (back in the 90's yo!)

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