Livin' it up in Ben Franklin's town. Riding a bike in the city; damn! watch out for those trolley tracks (slippery when wet!) Whoa, that's what a hoochie mama looks like! I don't think I'm in Delaware anymore.....

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Good miles and smiles this weekend.

Good 2 days of riding this weekend!! Felt crazy strong, esp. considering the lack of miles on the bike the previous week, but all that running translates into some good anaerobic capacity...though of course everytime I would flex on the Saturday ride, Louis the leg breaker would come into action and smack me and everyone else down. Damn it felt so good!!! I can't wait for the next ride. Did a solo ride to VF on Sunday. Crazy windy, left early (by 7:30am) and it was chilly, but hitting the park at 9 something AM was BEAUTIFUL. The leaves have the tint of Fall and the smells of the forest said the same. I was a little cooked from the ride on Saturday, but when it came to the hills in VF, I feel like I'm in the tour, power comes back to my legs and I leave no questions asked. I love climbing there. If you ever come up to Philly, please let me know and I will bring any friend out there to ride. Valley Forge is awesome!!!
The ride back to Philly was rocking as it was an insane tail wind on the VF trail. Easily at 27-30mph pace back to the city, and my legs were cooked too!!!

Came back to the house and my neighbor's dogs were flipping out and I hate to say it, but I totally flipped and went to my patio and said "Tom tell your dogs to shut to the Phuk up" at the top of my lungs. I had figured he was inside his house, but within 2 seconds he mumbled something and stood up in the back of his patio. It was a funny scene. Tom was drunk and probably high as he was swaying side to side and he just stared at me (oh yes, it was 11 am on a Sunday). I apologized for yelling so loud, but not for saying what I said. I told him no more barking dogs, that the neighbors can't take it anymore. As of 7 am this morning they've been quiet, but who knows how long it will keep.

Ended up having a fine date on Sunday, hit the ever amazing Philly Art Museum and then Buddakkan ( in Old City. Damn fine food, though if you want to go, make a reservation, I got the last 2 seats on Saturday when I made reservations for Sunday.
Nothing like sharing a beautiful day with a fine lady!

For all you people who love knights and medival times, you HAVE to hit the Art Museum's exhibit. It is so wickedily cool.

Gra-no-no this Saturday, be there!

I'm wondering how I get free KKD's by going to the WilmingtonVelocity Website?

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