Livin' it up in Ben Franklin's town. Riding a bike in the city; damn! watch out for those trolley tracks (slippery when wet!) Whoa, that's what a hoochie mama looks like! I don't think I'm in Delaware anymore.....

Monday, October 31, 2005

What I'm listening to right now

Ahhh, some of the best of Trance tracks during the last 5-6 years, click on the pic to see what tracks you know. I had heard most of them, but knew only 3 or 4 names of the songs and artits. Dieter, do you want to "borrow" it?
Track 1, on disc 2 is sweet, "Children". Oaky does a sick mix of that track on his CD#2 of his Two Years of Oakenfold @ Cream. He mixes it in with part of the Soundtrack from, I believe, Children of the Corn, one of those 1980's horror movies. Uber creepy, but sounds amazing.
Posted by Picasa

Time to ride the bike to work....

Just woke up and read this:
Looks like that public transportation system I was giving props to is not going to be running in the near future.
Heck ya, going to be riding the bike to work now! Though the city's going to be overflowing with cars now, which isn't going to the safest.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Ikea 15% off sale

FYI, if you need some furniture or Swedish women, Ikea is having their 20th year anniversary sale right now. 15% off everything, though it ends tomorrow (the 30th of October) Yippie, now I can buy my new stove! It's been hard with only one burner working..

Friday, October 28, 2005

Where are you on this list?

Listening to Digitally imported "Vocal Trance" right now. Love when diva's are singing to some fine trance.

Hit good ol' Bill Deputy's to relive some ol' memories today. Checked out the profile section to see if some of the Mid-Atlantic uberStarz are there.
Didn't see Dieter there? Wassup with that? Maybe another alias? His Hoochie mama is there though:

It amazes me seeing how many people have dropped out of the sport, just read the list:

somone should let the milk carton companies know about all these missing cyclists...

also is the Real Joey T still just an expert?

C'mon tighten up and update!!!


Thursday, October 27, 2005

My friends are having cute kids

Saw a picture of TedLogiK's and Gwen's son, Teague. (thanks for sending it Gwen) He's wicked cute. Same with JC's kiddo, who was at GraNizNo this past weekend.

My friends are bad influences on me as in the past 2 years I've seen some cute kids come about. In years past I try my best to avoid dating the "wanting to settle down and make babies" chic, and instead go for the women who just like to practice making babies.
I don't mind the practice at all, the more the better and it sure is fun! Plus practice makes perfect, right? That's what I'm always trying to tell them at least...

I definitely don't want to be making babies in this town though...on my walk past South Philly high school every morning I pass the side of the school where the short buses stop. I'm blown away by the amount of kids who are born with disabilities. In my HS where I went to school in Northside H-town (Houston to the non-ganstas out there), there was only about 30 disabled students per the school's 3500 students. At S. Philly High, there seems to be hundreds of physically and mentally handicapped kids. It really saddens me, but it also points to the fact that children born in the city are probably born to young mothers, to mothers who do some hard drugs and to mother's not given good pre-natal care and to parents living in a really polluted city.

I just realize that I'm lucky with how I was brought up, but also I realize that I'm not going to bring any little one into life in this city. I'll do my best to help the one's here though. I can't wait to take some of the local BMX kids and start doing some races at FDR park next Spring. There are some kids that probably hit 200 rpms while they try racing me down some of the streets.

Hey Dude, you dropped your Palm Pilot

That's what some high school punks said to me today as I walked by them on the way from the Broad/Snyder subway to my house.
It was so funny, they saw me come around the corner and you could see one kid turn to the others and then they quickly made up a plan to phuk with me, I couldn't avoid it either....
So as I walked by one kid was like, "yo man, you dropped something". Then another kid said "yeah, you dropped your palm pilot man". I laughed and I said "hey punks, yes, you too can have your own Palm Pilot if you actually go to college" They totally knew I was messing with them and it was a funny scene. Especially considering I was in my secret ninja hippy suit outfit which I would rather not be hiding in, as in South Philly, I stand out like fatmarc's pinkhelmet when I wear a suit.

I had a funny feeling while running tonight.
After 40 minutes I was running fast, which never happens.
Normally after 30 minutes I'm just gimping fast and over 40 min I'm just straight gimping back home.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

New MuZic

Listening to the sweet new Gorillaz album, Demon Days, wish I had it before GraKnow. Y'all have to hear it! Maybe the ice cream man should play it, instead of that same ol' jingle he's been playing all Summer and Fall.

Time change this weekend, don't forget!!!! Ride your bike this week, as it's going to be wicked dark starting next. Remember Fall (back), Spring (Forward) for all you people who become confused as to what to do with your clock.

Missed the Carl Cox show this past weekend, anyone care to give an update? I was too beat to go.

Rico's 9:10 ride

If you're in Philly and want an easy and steady (winter pace) 3-4 hr road ride on Sunday's. Join Rico (Rich Cordero), myself and Dave (races for Guy's, but rides an Elite bicycle), plus many other Philly Allstars for a cruise out from behind the Art Museum at Nine Ten am. That's 9:10am every Sunday. We only attacked 2 hills last weekend and happily turned around at the top of the hills and escorted the rest to the top.

Why's the Icecream man driving around out there?

Dude! It's cold out there. Got back from a ride 30 minutes ago and I was chilly, even though I had tights on and 2 long sleeve jerseys. WTF is an icecream man doing out there right now playing his Jingle and driving up and down each street? It's heading into the 30's tonight!!??!?!
Wonder if he's selling more than icecream....

Where was the Real Joey T?

Photo by Dennis (the photopimp) Smith? Posted by Picasa

Gra-no-no Mudfest!

Great to see my fellow bike racers this weekend!! My sadist self loves seeing my friends lay down the smack to fellow bike racers. Seeing the B-Double ( phukN lay down the smack on a single speed mtb. against the HUGE C race got me totally hyped for the rest of the day. It's always cool to see friends race, but even better when they are rocking out.
As usual I wished I was in the mix, but it just adds more fuel to my fire.

Pictures by the DE homie DenS, check the PBase galleries for the race:
also has some more bike porn from Granogue

Gay Tom created an Allstar course as usual with help from Marky-Marc and other WW Allstars and Allstar Alum. It got totally trashed though, but while talking to Iren'e (Iri-Nay) DuP, he was loving the scene, and didn't seem to care about the mud. I wish I could only be half as cool as him. He was totally rocking out in velcro shoes and riding a bike way older than me that still had a working generator light.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Shake that Bootaay

Getting the music ready for Gra No No, going to be a lot of good ol' PVD. Damn he's so good, got tired of mixing stuff so I just sat back and surfed for a while, love this philly personal of the day:

Sexy professional woman wants to get married and have kids ASAP - 33
Reply to: anon-105558963@craigslist.orgDate: 2005-10-20, 9:44PM EDTI am an attractive tall profesional 5'8" looking to get hitched . Dating is all about the game. I am tired of playing and don't want to deal with more phone calls --or date once a week or so. If you are of like mind--lets get engaged before xmas. Physical attraction is important. I am seeking someone taller than myself, more muscular and manly. I also seek someone who is honest, and kind and has a good work ethic. If you love kids that will definetley be in your favor.

Damn, is that funny or what. I get more laughs in from this City than TV could ever bring.

Oops, it's 9, my bedtime. Good night boys and girls.



Got a friend who just got her website/portfolio up and running. It's sweet, please check it out. Especially you DenS as I know you'll probably appreciate some of the pictures more than the avg. person. To the peeps in DE who I rock out with, you probably met her during the summer of 2004 while she lived at Becka and Charity's place.

Here's the site:

unlike Mr. Kennedy's namesake website, this one is NOT Porn!!!!

If you haven't done so in a while....type your full name into the browser and see what comes up.
My namesake website is a cartoonist, the picture on the front page is classic!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Good miles and smiles this weekend.

Good 2 days of riding this weekend!! Felt crazy strong, esp. considering the lack of miles on the bike the previous week, but all that running translates into some good anaerobic capacity...though of course everytime I would flex on the Saturday ride, Louis the leg breaker would come into action and smack me and everyone else down. Damn it felt so good!!! I can't wait for the next ride. Did a solo ride to VF on Sunday. Crazy windy, left early (by 7:30am) and it was chilly, but hitting the park at 9 something AM was BEAUTIFUL. The leaves have the tint of Fall and the smells of the forest said the same. I was a little cooked from the ride on Saturday, but when it came to the hills in VF, I feel like I'm in the tour, power comes back to my legs and I leave no questions asked. I love climbing there. If you ever come up to Philly, please let me know and I will bring any friend out there to ride. Valley Forge is awesome!!!
The ride back to Philly was rocking as it was an insane tail wind on the VF trail. Easily at 27-30mph pace back to the city, and my legs were cooked too!!!

Came back to the house and my neighbor's dogs were flipping out and I hate to say it, but I totally flipped and went to my patio and said "Tom tell your dogs to shut to the Phuk up" at the top of my lungs. I had figured he was inside his house, but within 2 seconds he mumbled something and stood up in the back of his patio. It was a funny scene. Tom was drunk and probably high as he was swaying side to side and he just stared at me (oh yes, it was 11 am on a Sunday). I apologized for yelling so loud, but not for saying what I said. I told him no more barking dogs, that the neighbors can't take it anymore. As of 7 am this morning they've been quiet, but who knows how long it will keep.

Ended up having a fine date on Sunday, hit the ever amazing Philly Art Museum and then Buddakkan ( in Old City. Damn fine food, though if you want to go, make a reservation, I got the last 2 seats on Saturday when I made reservations for Sunday.
Nothing like sharing a beautiful day with a fine lady!

For all you people who love knights and medival times, you HAVE to hit the Art Museum's exhibit. It is so wickedily cool.

Gra-no-no this Saturday, be there!

I'm wondering how I get free KKD's by going to the WilmingtonVelocity Website?

Gra Know?

I love the writing style of whoever wrote this? Tom, is that you?

North Delaware Cross is back at Granogue Estate for Round #3 of the 2005 Verge Mid-Atlantic Cyclo-Cross Championship Series. UCI C1
PLEASE PRE-REGISTER. ALL RACES WILL HAVE A $6.00 surcharge if you register on race day.
Parking Fee $2.00 Per Car
Snail Mail Entry must be post marked 10/18/2005 Mail to Granogue CX, 501 Ruxton Drive, Wilmington DE 19809. Make Checks out to "Wilmington Velocity" include USCF Standard Release.
All races tagged UCI are UCI C1 events and will be held under UCI regulations. All other races are USCF events and are run under USCF rules and regulations.
Your Race age is your AGE as of Dec 31st 2006
The UCI Men, UCI Women, must have a UCI license. . There is no separate payout for the masters 45+ and 55+. There will be no separate payout for the Women 35+. A domestic USCF or NORBA license is acceptable for all other categories. All categories will be scored for MAC points.
Please note: The Course will be open for warm-up for 15 minutes prior to each event (warming-up on the course during an event is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated).

For additional series info, check out or contact Tom McDaniel ctmcdanielbike at earthlink dot net. Phone 302-764-3661 Directions: Try the map at Venue address is: 2900 Montchanin Road Wilmington, DE 19807 From Rt. 52 to Center Meeting Road take a right onto Rt. 100 and Follow signs (.2 miles on left) From Rt 202 to Smith's Bridge Road take a left on Rt 100 and Follow signs .2 miles on left.

More Stuff: The course is a long tough balanced high speed technical Romp. With lots of hills, fast off camber drops, 300 Meters of road per lap. Some gravel and hard packed rocky setions. 1 Evil runup and 1 less nasty run/ride section. Race start and finish on asphalt. Double Pit with bike wash.

500 free Krispy Kream Donuts & Coffee Course Map Pics etc at WWW.WILMINGTONVELOCITY.COM

Granogue is private property and open to the public only day of race. If you try to ride on Friday then your entry will be refunded and you will not race

Promoter reserves the right of refusal to any racer. Anyone denied entry will recieve a full refund.

Questions Comments Complaints ctmcdanielbike at earthlink dot net

Out of Town Elilte riders ask about our bike shuttle service to Glochester.

Race Founder Craig
Course Design Tom McDaniel
Course Reality Checking By Fat Marc
Race is Run by Volunteers From First State Velo Sport, Team Delaware, Wooden Wheels, Wilmington Velocity and a couple of Spots and IF's.
Event Web Site John Hagen
Beer Tent and Podium Girls By Billy V
Special Thanks to Andrew Albrite, Mike Hebe, Kelly Cline, Laurie Webber, Doug Mills, Tom Dearlove.

Tom McDaniel
Wooden Wheel Racing

Sunday, October 16, 2005

3rd person cycling at it's best

Just like Dieter, I love when cyclists talk about themselves in third person. It must be proof that you've made it to the bigtime when you talk like this:
During the race, Nys tried several times to get away from Wellens, but he could not and the odds were against him in a two man sprint. He also fell on the stairs on the last lap, but was able to come back to Wellens. "After Nys' fall, the best Wellens would have ridden away," said Wellens. "But I took advantage of the sprint. I wasn't good enough to ride away from him, and it didn't make sense for me to do a turn because my teammate Jacobs was behind us. In this race, the teamwork was very important.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Building a boat

Wow, time to stop all that rain dancing which was going on a week ago.
Funny, I'm not depressed (yet!) The sun hasn't shined and it's been raining for 8 straight days...that good ol' trance muZic keeps it positive. Listening to Misja Helsloot's live set on: For all you Sarah McLaughlin fans, download it and hear the remix of Fallen which begins at 1hr 28mins 42 secs. Damn this DJ's good. I listened to this show twice at work today as I had to get in the zone as it was total crunch time.
I heard her sing at Live 8 and my appreciation of her has grown...though she's always been represented in some of the best DJ mixes in the world. I'll have to play it for all you at Granogue.....
One week to go....I'm going to pray to the Sun gods a LOT between now and then, I'd hate to see the lawns get trashed.

Took the typical lunchtime walk to stay sorta sane at work today and I had to have heard at least a car horn every 30 secs. In one instance a dude laid on his horn like he was really pissed, but was just trying to get the attention of his buddy on the sidewalk. You woulda thought yelling hey "insert name here" would work a tad bit better, but alas this is the town of brotherly love and I guess it shows more love and attention by honking the horn?

What has happened to the Fall?

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

If only I still owned this puppy....

Here would be my money for fronting the trading....owned 1000 ESLR at less than 1.50 about 2yrs ago:

ESLR Evergreen Solar started with a Buy at Jefferies; tgt $14 (7.87 )
Jefferies initiates ESLR with a Buy and $14 tgt. Firm says they are buyers of ESLR based on positive secular trends in the industry and the co's long-term earnings prospects. Firm believes the co's proprietary technology, efficient use of silicon, and secure silicon supplies should drive growth well in excess of the industry. They target earnings growth of 70%+ in 2008-2010.

Man, it's hard to buy and hold...

Answers to Questions on the "Real Deal"

This dude was quick getting back to me, here's his reply:


These are all great questions, but I would like you to proceed through our normal process.

1) Please send a concise resume of relevant experience. We are looking for 1 -2 years trading experience
2) We follow up with a 15 minute phone interview
3) Face to face interview where the commission structure would be covered.

I will say it is all about risk and return. Equity Traders who put up their own money (5,000 - 20,000) pay less per trade as our business bears much less risk. There ARE NO monthly fees. We do provide work space and software in Center City Philadelphia.

Hopefully this is enough info to have you proceed through the process. Your questions already indicate that you would be a great candidate!

Damn, if I hadn't just bought a house I probably would quit my job and try for it. I just don't have that much free cash ($20K). As I would have to front the money and yet somehow still pay the bills too. I'll do something like this sooner or later as life's too boring if you don't take risks where you can lose it all to gain it all.

Listening to PvD (Paul van Dyk) this morning. Live at Nature One 7/31/04 show. Download it at:
High energy trance at it's finest.

Busted out the trainer last night for first time in a really long time. No fun, but sucked it up for 20 minutes to get used to that nasty feeling of riding a bike indoors and to spin out my legs which were trashed from a long run on Monday.

ride on,

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The Real Deal

Dogs barking again next door, so I've been up for a bit. Searching jobs on has me come across this one:

Our Trading Company is in search of experienced Equity Traders who want:
Low Rates per share traded
High Commission Percentage
Improved Stock Buying Power
Exceptional Equity Trading Technology

Company Description:
Our company specializes in providing trading services and access to trade execution technology for the trading of NASDAQ securities. Company has been in business in New York for 8 years. We are currently expanding operations in Philadelphia PA and Knoxville TN.

Essential Job Functions:
Our company is currently offering opportunities in the trading of NASDAQ securities. This is a non-salaried position. Trader compensation is based on one’s individual profitability. The company has designed a performance based payout structure with the aim of benefiting traders. Compensation is tied directly to performance with skills and ability being rewarded accordingly. With hard work and dedication, a trader can prosper. Our company provides access to state of the art technology in order to maximize trading opportunities.

If you are highly motivated, focused, and interested in working in a competitive environment that offers high earning potential, we invite you to explore a career with us.

Position Requirements:
BA/BS degree required
1-2 years of trading experience required
Finance/Math background a plus

This job is the total badass job. You are a stock trader...NO salary at all, did you read that...This is all about hardcore trading stocks for 6+ hours a day. The even crazier thing about the job, for you non-stock people out there, is if a person takes this job, they have to PAY money to the firm to actually get the job...It goes like this, say you give them $10k, then they will give you $100k to trade on. But as soon as you lose a certain percentage of that $100k, you are gone, along with your money. But if you are good and make money, they take a cut, but you keep the rest.

Ahh, good ol' day trading at it's best.

Let's see if any of my questions I asked them get answered:

-Can you break down the costs involved ie, how much money does a person bring to the table to get in?

-How great is the leverage, 10-1, or less?

-How much per trade?

-Any cost per day/month for using the desk/research/technology you provide?

Any one know who Ronski-Speed is?
Their live show at Sputnik is phenomenal. Super-positive trance, great for 6am listening.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Fall is definitely here!

Cross season, 50 degree nights, cool rain and waning day light signal that Fall is officially here. I hit mi madre's house in the quaint town of Cape May this Friday for her 60th b-day. She really packed the house and packed it early as I went for a road ride as soon as I got there at 3:30pm and when I got back to the house at 5, there were already 30+ people there. Nothing like walking into a house being cold, wet and in spandex, while surrounded by people wondering whoTF you are and having the gay artsy guys getting all excited b/c there's a dude in spandex walking in.

As usual, if you want to make a Grand Entrance, just wear spandex!

So I met all of my mother's friends and neighbors in Cape May, but sadly the hottie that my mother told me she invited didn't show up :-(

But Saturday at KV's Oktoberfest in Newark,DE made up for a lack of any hotties on Friday night. Damn, I've never met a guy that can pack a house full of more hot women...though of course he does live with 2 to begin with and is living in a town full or them. Much props to him for still having the party even though it was such a rainy day.

Didn't do any riding at all this weekend, other than a trek up to Trader Joes...I feel great though so it's obvious the rest was needed.

I can't wait to get the cash to buy that Bianchi.

Personals of the Day

Going to start a new part of the known as the Philly Personals of the day. I'll admit I was searching for furniture this weekend and saw the personals. I'm like a closet personals reader, I love the wacky ones like this:

I want an impotent man - 50
Reply to: 2005-10-08, 7:28AM EDT
Is sex important....sure, is it a necessary component in order for 2 people to enjoy each other, even love each other....not always, no. On the other hand, kissing, cuddling, affection, emotion, caring, compassion, humor, sharing and communication .....those are all essential. If you understand that, if you are the kind of man who can put his woman's needs first, if you have a penis that doesn't work the way it once did but a heart and mind that do, let's see what happens.
no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

All you impotent bike riders now have your own women hunting you out....

Damn it feels good to be a Gangster

Two weeks ago my favorite trading/investment website ( asked for reader's thoughts on the economy and such. They do this subscriber survey every quarter or two to find out how their 250,000+ users feel about the general economy and equity markets. They have some sooooper badasses who subscribe to their services, mainly hedge funds and proprietary trading firms, and so while reading their summary of the survey this past Friday, I totally flipped out when they singled me out and quoted me word for word on my outlook. I had to tell them in the email though not to use my name as I'm not allowed to be quoted in any media as my firm doesn't pay me to get any media attention and they actually could sanction me if I was as those old H-town Gheto Boys used to rap..."Damn it feels good to be a Gangster."

Granoge is Coming...Oct 22nd Posted by Picasa

Granogue Press release on Cyclingnews

Verge Mid Atlantic Cyclocross
The $30,000 Verge Mid Atlantic Cyclocross Series heads into the first of two international double-header weekends next week with two UCI categorised races. Saturday, October 22 is Wooden Wheels Cyclocross at Granouge, one of the oldest UCI events in the USA, and on October 23, the series moves a half-hour north to the Wissahickon Cyclocross.
Saturday's Wooden Wheels race, named for the sponsoring bike shop, takes place at "Granouge", the estate of A.I. DuPont, near Wilmington, Delaware. Sunday's race takes place at a new venue, the Ludwig's Corner Horse Show and Country Fair in Glenmoore, Pennsylvania.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Sell your car and buy this bike. HOT, I love it. Think I'll buy one if I sell my car. Notice the eyelets on the rear stays? Dope ride this is, beautiful and practical. It's a perfect city bike. Plus retail is just $580. Yes, that may be a lot to some of you non-bike whores out there, but this bike is in leu of car. Cheap and sweet. Damn I love the look of it. Classic...Thanks Bianchi. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Most bikes sold since the 70's he says...

I ran into a bicycle coalition dood at Rittenhouse park on Tuesday and he was doing a transportation study on bikes. We had a good chat and he mentioned that bike sales supposedly hit record highs in the last few months as gas prices have gone up and up.

Does anyone have any links or info to back this up? It would be interesting to see if a transportation paradigm shift is finally occurring in the US of A.

Impotence and the bike seat

A-L, thanks for the link:

I also saw Dieter's post about it yesterday:

I remember Bicycling magazine bringing up impotence a year or two ago and they mentioned a totally other study that showed that men who had less sex in a month than their more sexually active peers had greater impotence as they got older. So the magazine came to the conclusion that male cyclists should be having sex at least 4-5 days a week to try to keep the plumbing running well.
Oh yes and don't forget that you should never be on the saddle for more than a few minutes before you get your butt off it and flex those muscles down there.

It's use it, or lose it guys...Ladies too, probably...that will have to be studyed too from the sounds of the article.
I think I need some help though as I'm having a hard time reaching the 4-5x a week...Any lady want to help a hot sexy biker out?

Hmm, could almost make song out of it....sorta like the that twangy "Save a horse, ride a Cowboy" song..."Save a cyclist ride a cyclist," doesn't sound as catchy though.

It's 3am and I'm wide awake...

To those that know me well, you know I love my sleep...
My freaking neighbor has these barking dogs and he's also a niteowl and so tonight has been very little hours of sleeping so I felt like hopping on the computer for a wee bit.

Question....How do I tell a convicted felon that his dogs shouldn't bark in the late pm and early am? What makes it hard is he typically starts barking first and then they join I would be telling him personally that he can't bark either...

or should I just call the cops??? I spoke to one the other day, while I rode the bike through the movie set down the street and he told me to call the SPCA, but I don't think the SPCA will take him in too, as he's the problem...unless of course the dogs incite him to bark and so they are the culprits to begin with.

but a bigger problem concerns the fact that if I get him arrested, then his 15yr old daughter will have no where to go as the mom's dead and this guy doesn't talk to his extended family.
He's already mentioned to me that he's trying his best not to go in the slammer again (he's been in and out a few times since shooting a guys leg off back in the day, these days he's just a loud drunk) and so I feel for him, but DAMN, how many hours of sleep does the neighborhood have to lose because of this one person???

Hope everyone in bike land is having sweet dreams right now...Let me know what you think when you wake up...

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Cycling Philosopy 102

After some more deep cycling thoughts the last 2 days I've realized that cyclists can have some sadism in their blood. Because, knowing that cyclists are masochists, you know that by riding harder, that the other cyclists will ride harder too (because pain's easier to take when others are suffering too, plus everyone has pride) hence, their pain level will go up by account of yourself who just caused them to ride harder. So isn't this along the lines of being a sadist?
Also, I was thinking about the times during a race or a hard ride where numerous people are suffering and there's that one person who gives you a look that expresses that they feel no pain and are in no difficulty. Isn't that too a sign of sadism? They want to prove they feel no pain and knowing everyone is in pain, isn't that a cruel expression?

Any thoughts?

Damn, I'm tired and it's not even 9 pm yet. Fall's definitely coming as it's getting easier to just fall asleep these days.

No Marky Mark sightings by me this week, but the neighbors were all talking about seeing Mark Wahlberg. Someone even stated that when one person said "Marky Mark" he got stone faced and walked away from people. The film crew would film from the early evenings into sunrise. Supposedly they paid the person, whose home they were using, $10k for the 3 days of hassle. Not too shabby. Oh yes, in case you were wondering why they picked this section of South Philly, it's b/c it still looks authentically 1970's. They didn't have to do much other than bring in some classic cars in front of the homes to make it look back in time. Is that a good thing? Now, do you wonder why I'm painting my door?

Worked on the doorframe (prepping it for painting) for 1/2 the day today and ended up talking to at least 1/2 my street throughout the day. Damn, there's definitely some hot hoochie mamas that walk by my house!!! They all got a tatoo in their lower back too, every single one of them (and you know what they say about girl's with tatoos, right?!? I'd take some pictures, but this ain't no pRon website. If you're looking for some pretty pictures though, check out the Distractione column on

Ending the day listening to David Gray. He's a talented dude, really chill, good way to end the night.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Cycling Philosophy 101

The band Sublime was so good. Haven't listend to them since college, I forgot how much they jammed.

Went spinning out the legs yesterday afternoon as I hurt myself running on Thursday and I started thinking really deep and began wondering if cycling is a sport for masochists or sadists. I realized that it's a sport which you only hurt yourself if you want to, as it's not like football where crazy people will enjoy hurting you.
Cycling is a sport for masochists. That's my conclusion. Sure you may get dropped on a climb and climb yourself back albeit in a lot of pain, but it's not the person dropping you on the climb who makes your legs burn and your heart peg. It's YOU doing the inflicting of pain.