Livin' it up in Ben Franklin's town. Riding a bike in the city; damn! watch out for those trolley tracks (slippery when wet!) Whoa, that's what a hoochie mama looks like! I don't think I'm in Delaware anymore.....

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

rain,rain, go away!

NPR rocks, they got old school rap interviews in effect this week. Tune in from 7:30-8pm 90.9fm.

Haven't ridden since an awesome group ride with the "Bread" people on Saturday morning b/c of all the raininess we've been having. I shouldn't complain to much as I could be swimming down in New Orleans instead. I hope everyone that ever cared to visit, visited New Orleans before the flood as that city as we know it isn't going to be there anymore. It's sad, but it's probably just the beginning before some other coastal cities are ravaged by higher seas and stronger storms.

Yey, anyone see the weather the latter part of this week? Perfect baby. I hope to get my 12 hours of riding in from Friday-Monday. Not the best for the body, as I'm going to be cooked, but heck ya, it's going to be californialike.

Oh dude, the big Green Evil Things attacked again. This time one had white fuzzy things attached to it. It looked so EVIL, I couldn't even get the guts up to take a picture, though I did successfully remove the EVIL Green Thing from the Tomatoe plant. I just realized...maybe the EVIL Green Things are the reason why my DSL has been on the fritz???

anyone have 60+cm cross bike for sale?

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