Check the link:
Went to the office Christmas party out in Old City at the Panorama last night with my fine lady friend Thea. The place was already jumping by the time we got there at 7:30. It's amazing how the open bar and good food packed the people in, plus no one cared about being fasionably late because that's less time for them to drink. I was happy to see that about 1/2 of the advisors brought their wives, but even then there was about 1 advisor every 10 minutes hitting on Thea. It was the funniest thing as she was getting a kick out of it, one guy even told her that his wife wouldn't mind if they swapped that night. I was like, oh shit, hope Thea can laugh that one off! Luckily she did, and was cracking up about it afterwards. The guys whom I work with are nuts and they sure didn't let me down last night. I even grabbed a random digi camera sitting on a dinner table to capture some of the wackiness of the evening. Luckily the chick who owned the camera never noticed it was her sweet Cannon SLR which was flashing all over the place.
Thea and I left about 10 pm as once the open bar shut down, it was like "lights out" and people immediately started shuffling out to the other Old City bars. I was super beat, as so was she as she actually got in a sweet ride in the "warm" weather out there yesterday.
I'm so looking forward to the Christmas Eve ride Saturday behind the Art Museum. It's looking like the weather is going to be warm and that should make it a good group. Plus I really need to ride with all the chocolate I've had the last 2 weeks. There's also another road ride the day after X-mas at 9am behind the Art Museum. May go to that or do a solo out to Valley Forge. VF is absolutely beautiful right now, really serene out there..
Have a Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukka, and Delightful Kwanzaa!
Livin' it up in Ben Franklin's town. Riding a bike in the city; damn! watch out for those trolley tracks (slippery when wet!) Whoa, that's what a hoochie mama looks like! I don't think I'm in Delaware anymore.....
Friday, December 23, 2005
Monday, December 19, 2005
Riding in the Winter Wonderland
So this weekend it was warm for the first time in two weeks, plus after all the wintry weather we've had, I bet I wasn't the only one out riding and enjoying the bike again. It's amazing how just a few days makes us feel like we haven't been on the bike in ages...
I crashed in Center City on Friday night and ended up not getting back to my house in time for the bike ride for the masses behind the Museum at 9am. I'm happy I missed it as I ended up doing a solo out to VF. While there I passed a dude looking totally screwed on the side of the road. I immediately knew something was up and turned around. It ends up the dude was riding his brand new bike and while shifting going up the hill I was going down, he threw his chain between the frame and the small ring on his crank. He was like "dude, I hope you have a chain braker," I asked him if the chain was Sram or Shimano. He said Shimano. I look and it has a big "S" on it, which means it's a SRAM, aka Sach's Powerchain. I had a quick laugh and told him watch this, and within a minute the chain was fixed and the dude was ready to roll. I love PowerChains, I love em, I love em, I love em. I've never ridden a bad one and on cold days like Saturday they pay off bigtime for something like happened to this guy.
Anyways, it was a perfect stop as I ended up resting for just enough that I was able to hammer for a good long bit afterwards, though I pushed myself into super gimp mode and ended up overworking my left hamstring which meant no real riding on Sunday. I guess I shouldn't have tried doing the split while at Yoga Friday night....
Saturday night was cool. Thea and I walked around downtown taking in the sights before meeting some of her friends at Devil's Alley on Chestnut St. I should have had my camera, as Rittenhouse Square looked sweet from the colored globes which had been hung throughout the park. One thing which was really annoying was that on every street corner was someone asking for money. It was depressing, but got me more mad than anything, as there's a guy who I've seen about a dozen times and he changes his sign daily and always says something really sad. Like my mom just died of breast cancer, and I need money to fly back to California, or I just turned 21 and I don't have anything. The problem is, he changes his age every few days, plus he must have a lot of mothers and fathers as he lost a lot of them by cancer the past few months. I should feel bad for him, but I don't. Heck, I wish I had my birthday at least twice a week and a few dozen mothers and fathers too look out for me. I just wouldn't want to live on the street.
I crashed in Center City on Friday night and ended up not getting back to my house in time for the bike ride for the masses behind the Museum at 9am. I'm happy I missed it as I ended up doing a solo out to VF. While there I passed a dude looking totally screwed on the side of the road. I immediately knew something was up and turned around. It ends up the dude was riding his brand new bike and while shifting going up the hill I was going down, he threw his chain between the frame and the small ring on his crank. He was like "dude, I hope you have a chain braker," I asked him if the chain was Sram or Shimano. He said Shimano. I look and it has a big "S" on it, which means it's a SRAM, aka Sach's Powerchain. I had a quick laugh and told him watch this, and within a minute the chain was fixed and the dude was ready to roll. I love PowerChains, I love em, I love em, I love em. I've never ridden a bad one and on cold days like Saturday they pay off bigtime for something like happened to this guy.
Anyways, it was a perfect stop as I ended up resting for just enough that I was able to hammer for a good long bit afterwards, though I pushed myself into super gimp mode and ended up overworking my left hamstring which meant no real riding on Sunday. I guess I shouldn't have tried doing the split while at Yoga Friday night....
Saturday night was cool. Thea and I walked around downtown taking in the sights before meeting some of her friends at Devil's Alley on Chestnut St. I should have had my camera, as Rittenhouse Square looked sweet from the colored globes which had been hung throughout the park. One thing which was really annoying was that on every street corner was someone asking for money. It was depressing, but got me more mad than anything, as there's a guy who I've seen about a dozen times and he changes his sign daily and always says something really sad. Like my mom just died of breast cancer, and I need money to fly back to California, or I just turned 21 and I don't have anything. The problem is, he changes his age every few days, plus he must have a lot of mothers and fathers as he lost a lot of them by cancer the past few months. I should feel bad for him, but I don't. Heck, I wish I had my birthday at least twice a week and a few dozen mothers and fathers too look out for me. I just wouldn't want to live on the street.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
That's my #igga Marc
Marc, pulling a BC and stirring up trouble aka debate. Love it dude:
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Velonews readings
Marc, thanks for making sure people realized the big mistake Nats made by having Katie stage last. Nothing like being miffed at the start line.
Next to MV's read on Velonews today, I see a fine interview with LA on velonews. It's broken into 2 sections: and
Good reads.
Next to MV's read on Velonews today, I see a fine interview with LA on velonews. It's broken into 2 sections: and
Good reads.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Warm and fuzzy inside
Ahhh, I just read FatMarc's breakdown of his race and overall experience at the National's. I loved it, every single picture spoke of the epic weather conditions and showed just how brutal nationals were this year. I really hope no one lost fingers or toes from the race as I know some people on Friday must have become hypothermic.
Read his stories and see the pics at
I had a sweet weekend this past one. It all began after work on Friday when I hit Yoga with Thea. The Yoga place is normally crowded on Fridays and me with my wingspan can be a little dangerous as I get into all of it and forget where I am. So Friday I finally let loose and really did the full motions without worrying I'd poke some chick's eye out. I needed that as work was F'ing crazy b/c everyone must have been waiting to call in on the first snow day for some reason. So I crashed at Thea's fine place Friday night (who wouldn't take the invitation to stay in a nice warm place when the "weather outside was frightful") and woke up feeling good as the views of the skyline from her 19th floor apartment was absolutely beautiful at 7am. Plus she had made tons of different cookies the day before and so I just had tons of healthy cookies for breakfast. You can't beat that! Came home and worked on the house for a good bit.
In the afternoon I hit the trainer and my crazy neighbor nextdoor knocked on my door and said "Yo bry why don't you borrow my shovel and shovel your walk." So I look left and all the sidewalk was clear and I look right and the sidewalk was clear, but my 10 feet of sidewalk was a glacier. Damn, I'm the only person not to have cleaned my walk, I didn't even realize that. I told crazy Tom I would in about an hour after I was done riding my bike, I even pointed to my bike set up so he knew I wasn't messing with him. He said, that's cool and walked away.
About 10 minutes later I heard some shoveling, so I hopped off the trainer again and Tom was going at my glacier. Damn again I thought, what's he doing, so I opened the door and asked if he liked chocolate chip, raisin, oatmeal cookies. Of course he loved them so I grabbed the big bag off cookies which Thea had sent me home with and I told Tom to grab a few. He grabbed the whole bag and immediatly said how much he and his daughter would enjoy eating them and walked to his house and took the WHOLE big bag of them. Awh man, I was miffed, but then I realized Tom was crazy, and he was shoveling my snow, so I didn't say a thing other than if he couldn't eat them all, to give the rest back to me.
So I end up riding the trainer for a world record breaking 1 hour today, even threw it in the big ring, small cog a few times. I actually felt good on it, but heck, that's what happens when you go from riding 12+ hours a week to 2 hours a week.
I then cleaned up and headed down to Newark, DE to catch up with some friends at Mr. Vonck's Christmas party. Mr. Vonck, who I'm now going to call, Mr. Ratio, is a cool doood working on a kick-ass degree at UD. I always enjoy catching up with him as he's working towards a degree, which back in '99 I was planning to attain, one in Urban Affairs/Sustainable Development. Not only is he attaing a sweet education, he's also living one of the best bachelor lives I've ever seen. He lives with 2 fine young ladies (the beginning of me calling him Mr. Ratio), in the finest bachelor pad around, plus he always has at least a few ladies on him at anytime, including a record 6 Saturday night!! 6:1, that's a helluva ratio!
Anyways, as usual I caught up with some friends whom I hadn't seen in a very long time, Charity, Becca and Mark, whom I hadn't seen in a very long time. See back in the day I was in Americorps and so were Becca and Charity, and the Americorps people hung out with each other all of the time as we were all poor and what do poor people do, but hang out with each other and so that's what we did and had a ton of fun doing it.
Mr. Ratio had tons of yummy food and fine drinks, and like any smart person, instead of going out and buying ice, he just went outside, cut up some ice chunks and then threw them in his cooler. I have to admit that after starting the day eating cookies, I ended the day doing the same. His buddy made these cookie-Brownie-cookie yum-downs which I consumed in the highest of quantities. One buddy's girlfriend sat down while I was talking to her man and I said, those cookies rock! She was like "there's only 2 left" and I was like "oh I wonder why?" Yes, I'll admit I ate 1/2 of them, but heck, I left all the other fine food for everyone else! Thanks KV!
I had a fine time, but was getting tired, and so sometime after 12, myself and my buddy C.Vann decided to roll, Chris wanted to catch up with his Harem of women at a bar and so we went there and hung out for a while. He really had a lot to drink as since I was driving, he was letting it all hang out. He was a mess, but a funny mess. Even grabbing full drinks at the bar which weren't his and guzzling them down. It was funny as he didn't have a clue they weren't his drink. I even suggested as such, but he looked at me like I was the crazy one!!!!
Then when I drove him back to the old house (I lived there at TedLogik's house for 4 years) he walked to the front door and tried to use his car remote to unlock the front door. I totally busted out laughing as I could hear his car keep on unlocking, but for some reason the house door wasn't unlocking. I was like, CV, I think you actually have to use a key for the door. Of course it took about 3 keys to finally find the right one, even though the house key is dinstinctively different than all of the others. It was too funny.
The next day I woke up after just 5 hours of sleep, but I felt good. It's amazing how quiet it is in suburbia as compared to the Urban living! I really felt calm as it was beautiful waking up and actually seeing trees and wildlife running outside in the snow. I ended up hanging out for a few hours as I had to wait until 10 am to pick up my new Tankless Hot Water Heater at the Fairfax True Value Hardware Store. This thing is the bomb and is so energy efficient, I'll even get a $300 tax rebeat. Also I can take steamy hot baths and not feel guilty now.
Then I swung by my dad's house and they were just leaving to pick up some Christmas trees and so I joined them and picked up my first tree ever! It's such a sweet tree, shorter than me, but perfect for my house. Then I came back to their house to catch up with everyone. I was so proud when one of my sister's showed me her power point presentation on the deforestation of the Amazon rain forest. I have a degree in Ecology and so as I watched her presentation, I was looking for certain bullet points and sure enough she hit them all and even through in some stuff I hadn't even known. I was so impressed. It's amazing what 15 year olds can do now!
Came back to Philly for the last 2 hours of daylight and had a totally awesome jog. Philly is definitely a different town with snow in it. It felt like I was in Europe, rather than America.
Good morning everyone. Hope you have a fine day!
Read his stories and see the pics at
I had a sweet weekend this past one. It all began after work on Friday when I hit Yoga with Thea. The Yoga place is normally crowded on Fridays and me with my wingspan can be a little dangerous as I get into all of it and forget where I am. So Friday I finally let loose and really did the full motions without worrying I'd poke some chick's eye out. I needed that as work was F'ing crazy b/c everyone must have been waiting to call in on the first snow day for some reason. So I crashed at Thea's fine place Friday night (who wouldn't take the invitation to stay in a nice warm place when the "weather outside was frightful") and woke up feeling good as the views of the skyline from her 19th floor apartment was absolutely beautiful at 7am. Plus she had made tons of different cookies the day before and so I just had tons of healthy cookies for breakfast. You can't beat that! Came home and worked on the house for a good bit.
In the afternoon I hit the trainer and my crazy neighbor nextdoor knocked on my door and said "Yo bry why don't you borrow my shovel and shovel your walk." So I look left and all the sidewalk was clear and I look right and the sidewalk was clear, but my 10 feet of sidewalk was a glacier. Damn, I'm the only person not to have cleaned my walk, I didn't even realize that. I told crazy Tom I would in about an hour after I was done riding my bike, I even pointed to my bike set up so he knew I wasn't messing with him. He said, that's cool and walked away.
About 10 minutes later I heard some shoveling, so I hopped off the trainer again and Tom was going at my glacier. Damn again I thought, what's he doing, so I opened the door and asked if he liked chocolate chip, raisin, oatmeal cookies. Of course he loved them so I grabbed the big bag off cookies which Thea had sent me home with and I told Tom to grab a few. He grabbed the whole bag and immediatly said how much he and his daughter would enjoy eating them and walked to his house and took the WHOLE big bag of them. Awh man, I was miffed, but then I realized Tom was crazy, and he was shoveling my snow, so I didn't say a thing other than if he couldn't eat them all, to give the rest back to me.
So I end up riding the trainer for a world record breaking 1 hour today, even threw it in the big ring, small cog a few times. I actually felt good on it, but heck, that's what happens when you go from riding 12+ hours a week to 2 hours a week.
I then cleaned up and headed down to Newark, DE to catch up with some friends at Mr. Vonck's Christmas party. Mr. Vonck, who I'm now going to call, Mr. Ratio, is a cool doood working on a kick-ass degree at UD. I always enjoy catching up with him as he's working towards a degree, which back in '99 I was planning to attain, one in Urban Affairs/Sustainable Development. Not only is he attaing a sweet education, he's also living one of the best bachelor lives I've ever seen. He lives with 2 fine young ladies (the beginning of me calling him Mr. Ratio), in the finest bachelor pad around, plus he always has at least a few ladies on him at anytime, including a record 6 Saturday night!! 6:1, that's a helluva ratio!
Anyways, as usual I caught up with some friends whom I hadn't seen in a very long time, Charity, Becca and Mark, whom I hadn't seen in a very long time. See back in the day I was in Americorps and so were Becca and Charity, and the Americorps people hung out with each other all of the time as we were all poor and what do poor people do, but hang out with each other and so that's what we did and had a ton of fun doing it.
Mr. Ratio had tons of yummy food and fine drinks, and like any smart person, instead of going out and buying ice, he just went outside, cut up some ice chunks and then threw them in his cooler. I have to admit that after starting the day eating cookies, I ended the day doing the same. His buddy made these cookie-Brownie-cookie yum-downs which I consumed in the highest of quantities. One buddy's girlfriend sat down while I was talking to her man and I said, those cookies rock! She was like "there's only 2 left" and I was like "oh I wonder why?" Yes, I'll admit I ate 1/2 of them, but heck, I left all the other fine food for everyone else! Thanks KV!
I had a fine time, but was getting tired, and so sometime after 12, myself and my buddy C.Vann decided to roll, Chris wanted to catch up with his Harem of women at a bar and so we went there and hung out for a while. He really had a lot to drink as since I was driving, he was letting it all hang out. He was a mess, but a funny mess. Even grabbing full drinks at the bar which weren't his and guzzling them down. It was funny as he didn't have a clue they weren't his drink. I even suggested as such, but he looked at me like I was the crazy one!!!!
Then when I drove him back to the old house (I lived there at TedLogik's house for 4 years) he walked to the front door and tried to use his car remote to unlock the front door. I totally busted out laughing as I could hear his car keep on unlocking, but for some reason the house door wasn't unlocking. I was like, CV, I think you actually have to use a key for the door. Of course it took about 3 keys to finally find the right one, even though the house key is dinstinctively different than all of the others. It was too funny.
The next day I woke up after just 5 hours of sleep, but I felt good. It's amazing how quiet it is in suburbia as compared to the Urban living! I really felt calm as it was beautiful waking up and actually seeing trees and wildlife running outside in the snow. I ended up hanging out for a few hours as I had to wait until 10 am to pick up my new Tankless Hot Water Heater at the Fairfax True Value Hardware Store. This thing is the bomb and is so energy efficient, I'll even get a $300 tax rebeat. Also I can take steamy hot baths and not feel guilty now.
Then I swung by my dad's house and they were just leaving to pick up some Christmas trees and so I joined them and picked up my first tree ever! It's such a sweet tree, shorter than me, but perfect for my house. Then I came back to their house to catch up with everyone. I was so proud when one of my sister's showed me her power point presentation on the deforestation of the Amazon rain forest. I have a degree in Ecology and so as I watched her presentation, I was looking for certain bullet points and sure enough she hit them all and even through in some stuff I hadn't even known. I was so impressed. It's amazing what 15 year olds can do now!
Came back to Philly for the last 2 hours of daylight and had a totally awesome jog. Philly is definitely a different town with snow in it. It felt like I was in Europe, rather than America.
Good morning everyone. Hope you have a fine day!
Sunday, December 11, 2005
KC wins Nat's Again!
Congrats to Katie Compton who won the title of "baddass American Woman cyclocross racer" again!!! Though before her win today I was pumped to see Dan "the Man" Wilson finish up in the Men's Elite and then Mr. Leech (aka Dieter) finish a "block rockin' beats" 14th. Leech, hopefully your hoochie mama was there to take some snappy pictures like she always does of you. The winter background was pretty badass looking.
The Nat's this year was definitely another strong showing for the Mid-Atlantic homies and home girls. I just wish I was 1/2 as fast as these people.
The Nat's this year was definitely another strong showing for the Mid-Atlantic homies and home girls. I just wish I was 1/2 as fast as these people.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Congrats to my bicycling homies at Nats
The pink helmet spot man, 24 outta 100 or so at Nats in the 35-39
24 Marc Vettori (Spot Brand Secret Henry's Team) 7.00
My teamate Weave getting 12th:
12 Ransom Weaver (Guys Racing) 4.02
Mihillis Gorillis in the 40-45:
14 Richard Mihillis (Henry's Bikes) 4.38
Brutal conditions yesterday, congrats to those who even lined up at the start line and to everyone who even finished. I bet a few people had hypothermia after the race...
for updates on Cross (dressing) National Championship(s)
24 Marc Vettori (Spot Brand Secret Henry's Team) 7.00
My teamate Weave getting 12th:
12 Ransom Weaver (Guys Racing) 4.02
Mihillis Gorillis in the 40-45:
14 Richard Mihillis (Henry's Bikes) 4.38
Brutal conditions yesterday, congrats to those who even lined up at the start line and to everyone who even finished. I bet a few people had hypothermia after the race...
for updates on Cross (dressing) National Championship(s)
Friday, December 09, 2005
Snowing in SouPhil

To the Right of my house.
Good thing there's a reliable subway or I wouldn't be going to work. I figure a lot of you probably aren't heading in today, I probably don't have to as everyone in my office has kids and with school being closed our office is most likely shut down. I can't wait to work 8 hours all alone at my office. I would probably get the equivalent of 3 days of work done in 1 there will be lower liquidity (volume) in the market today which can make trading a lot more fun.

You think you have a stressful job, try this guys:
Botched stock trade costs Japan firm $225 mln - AP
The AP reports that Japan's government rebuked the Tokyo Stock Exchange and one of the country's biggest brokerage firms Friday after a typing error caused Mizuho Securities Co. to lose at least 27 billion yen, or $225 million, on a stock trade. The glitch roiled the Japanese market, and jitters over the reliability of the exchange's trading system contributing to a 1.95 percent drop in the benchmark Nikkei 225 index Thursday. The trouble began Thursday morning, when Mizuho Securities tried to sell 610,000 shares at 1 yen (less than a penny) apiece in a job recruiting firm called J-Com Co., which was having its public debut on the exchange. It had actually intended to sell 1 share at 610,000 yen ($5,041). Worse still, the number of shares in Mizuho's order was 41 times that J-Com's true outstanding amount, but the Tokyo Stock Exchange processed the order anyway.Mizuho says it tried to cancel the order three times, but the exchange said it doesn't cancel transactions even if they are executed on erroneous orders. By the end of the day, Mizuho Securities -- a division of the nation's second-largest bank, Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. -- had lost at least 27 billion yen. That total could escalate, however, as more trades settle, Mizuho Securities spokesman Hideki Sakuma said Friday, adding that the mishap was sparked by human error.
The AP reports that Japan's government rebuked the Tokyo Stock Exchange and one of the country's biggest brokerage firms Friday after a typing error caused Mizuho Securities Co. to lose at least 27 billion yen, or $225 million, on a stock trade. The glitch roiled the Japanese market, and jitters over the reliability of the exchange's trading system contributing to a 1.95 percent drop in the benchmark Nikkei 225 index Thursday. The trouble began Thursday morning, when Mizuho Securities tried to sell 610,000 shares at 1 yen (less than a penny) apiece in a job recruiting firm called J-Com Co., which was having its public debut on the exchange. It had actually intended to sell 1 share at 610,000 yen ($5,041). Worse still, the number of shares in Mizuho's order was 41 times that J-Com's true outstanding amount, but the Tokyo Stock Exchange processed the order anyway.Mizuho says it tried to cancel the order three times, but the exchange said it doesn't cancel transactions even if they are executed on erroneous orders. By the end of the day, Mizuho Securities -- a division of the nation's second-largest bank, Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. -- had lost at least 27 billion yen. That total could escalate, however, as more trades settle, Mizuho Securities spokesman Hideki Sakuma said Friday, adding that the mishap was sparked by human error.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
MONSTER of a chart!

Who would've guessed?
This is a yearly chart of Hansen Natural, the maker of the MONTSER energy drink.
Depending how the next 3 weeks go it will be in the top 5 for stock price appreciation this year.
I remember when this started running about 2 years ago...who woulda thought it would take off with all the competition? This puppy's been Overbought since November, but as long as it rides the upper bollinger bands, you never want to short it, or you get crushed. The bollinger bands is The top red band which has been following the upward ascent of the stock.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005
ALS Kicking knowledge.
ALS kicked some knowledge to my post on Monday Dec 5th. It's a big pain to cut and past it, so please read the comment field...I've been a little run down lately and so not much time for blogging...
Monday, December 05, 2005
Trance at 7am...
A damn good Canadian DJ (r12) waking my tired self up this morning. If only I could actually turn my stereo way up like I used to before I moved to Philly, then I would really wake up!
Watched another very good Eddie Norton movie last night. I'm really becoming a fan of his from his movie a I saw a few years ago, Fight Club, to the Spike Lee directed 25 Hours and now American History which I saw last night. This movie brings modern racism to the fore and hits you hard with it, and like most Edward Norton movie endings, the ending is bitter sweet. Plus if you were wondering what happened to the kid in Terminator 2, he's back, but still looks like a kid 10 years later.
This is a fine movie to explore common prejudices which each of us may hold in one capicity or another. I find myself getting pissed at the poor black people who got brand new and beautiful section 8 houses one block South of the kick ass South Street area. They got the houses cheap and I don't think it's fair, especially since they are already trashing them and ripping out the trees that were planted along the sidewalk. But then I talk to one of my kick ass friends in Philly, who's black (Sam from the old WB Delaware office) and he's just as pissed as me b/c he too can't get in on those places as he makes too much dough. He's a straight shooter and I know I can ask him race questions and he'll kick me some knowledge and so I did and he really hit it well. He pointed out that the section 8 houses are for really low income people and since they get the houses without having to pay the market rate, they don't take care of them as well b/c they aren't paying the full price and they don't appreciate the homes as much as someone who would have payed triple for the same house in the same location.
His point was that I have to understand that it's not about their race, it's all about their economic status. We both agreed that it wasn't fair that they actually are entitled to "affordable housing" as when you approach it from an economic/ Market view, this would be illegal in an open and fair market because it is price fixation along with market manipulation and actually creates a greater disparity in the overall market as it makes expensive housing more expensive and lowers the amount of usuable land in a city.
I've have to get ready for work, but will try to find more time tonight...Feel free to comment, especially you ALS, as I know you kick good knowledge too.
Watched another very good Eddie Norton movie last night. I'm really becoming a fan of his from his movie a I saw a few years ago, Fight Club, to the Spike Lee directed 25 Hours and now American History which I saw last night. This movie brings modern racism to the fore and hits you hard with it, and like most Edward Norton movie endings, the ending is bitter sweet. Plus if you were wondering what happened to the kid in Terminator 2, he's back, but still looks like a kid 10 years later.
This is a fine movie to explore common prejudices which each of us may hold in one capicity or another. I find myself getting pissed at the poor black people who got brand new and beautiful section 8 houses one block South of the kick ass South Street area. They got the houses cheap and I don't think it's fair, especially since they are already trashing them and ripping out the trees that were planted along the sidewalk. But then I talk to one of my kick ass friends in Philly, who's black (Sam from the old WB Delaware office) and he's just as pissed as me b/c he too can't get in on those places as he makes too much dough. He's a straight shooter and I know I can ask him race questions and he'll kick me some knowledge and so I did and he really hit it well. He pointed out that the section 8 houses are for really low income people and since they get the houses without having to pay the market rate, they don't take care of them as well b/c they aren't paying the full price and they don't appreciate the homes as much as someone who would have payed triple for the same house in the same location.
His point was that I have to understand that it's not about their race, it's all about their economic status. We both agreed that it wasn't fair that they actually are entitled to "affordable housing" as when you approach it from an economic/ Market view, this would be illegal in an open and fair market because it is price fixation along with market manipulation and actually creates a greater disparity in the overall market as it makes expensive housing more expensive and lowers the amount of usuable land in a city.
I've have to get ready for work, but will try to find more time tonight...Feel free to comment, especially you ALS, as I know you kick good knowledge too.
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