Anyone looking to party like a rockstar after Granogue Cross race (oct. 22nd) Saturday night?
DJ Carl Cox is in town, who's Carl Cox you say? Why don't you find out?
Also he's coming to town with DJ Micro, another phenomenal DJ, plus about a dozen other DJ's.
The Show's at Emerald city is from 9pm to 6am! Yes the show goes non-stop for 9hours....though there will be a lot of DJ's to keep it non-stop.
Tickets are wicked cheap for $20 at
Think you can dance? Come on up and rock out!
Livin' it up in Ben Franklin's town. Riding a bike in the city; damn! watch out for those trolley tracks (slippery when wet!) Whoa, that's what a hoochie mama looks like! I don't think I'm in Delaware anymore.....
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Marky Mark comes to town!!!

See this sign? That's what happens when Marky Mark comes to town. No, not the Spot Brand whore Marc, but Mark Walhberg (sp). No funky bunch accompanying him though. He's filming a new movie down the street. Called Invincible. I wonder if DDB's (Dave Dombrowski aka David Anthony the drummer of Ike) going to be working the set?

Monday, September 26, 2005
Damn good weather this weekend = many hours in the saddle
Rode the Vino Vello ride back behind the Philly Art Museum both days at 9am. There was at least 40 people both days at the start, but by the end of both rides it would be less than 20.
Saturday was the harder, shorter route. You stay towards the front to avoid the squirrells and also so you can chat without the worry that the person next to you will take you out.
Richie Corderro was out in force both days, he's definitely the Hugh Hefner of bikes. Always in style and always a ladies man. He knows how to work it.
I have no clue about the route we took, all I know it had about 4.5 million stop signs and lights which we never totally stopped at with a group which was always ancy. We had a flat during the ride, and surprisingly everyone stopped, but when you realize it was the only chick (and an uber hottie at that) you realize why. Damn those women have power when they are in spandex. I have to admit, I was the one who changed the flat though. I guess the guys were too busy checking her out to actually help her with the flat. The ride ended with a good pace on West River drive and surprisingly I had some power and so it felt good driving the pace in the high 20's, but was even more surprising as it was me and the chick laying down the pace. It ends up she's a highly competitive rower. Damn those rowers, always making us cyclists look like hobbiests.
Sunday was more of the same, though this time it was supposed to be a "tempo ride", but get a few `people who like to be first up a hill and within a few minutes you have a fast ride and sure enough that happened. Richie Corderro, Dave (also from Guys Racing) and I turned around to help a fine lady and teamate after the pack flew up a mile long ascent. We didn't know where we lost her so each of us turned around and took a side road. I rode along for 2 miles, then turned around, figuring she didn't go this way. I rode into Richie, who said they found her and Dave was riding with her to VF, where we were to meet up. Richie and I TT'd to the VF park, but alas, no Dave and no hot Katie, figures as who would want other dudes riding with you when you are with a hot mama???? Richie ended up taking me on one sweet route of climb after climb as we slowly headed back to Philly. I was put in difficulty many times by my big chainring climbing friend, but as usual, the descents proved my savior and allowed me to stay with Richie on the 2 hour trek back home. We got back to the Art Museum a few minutes after the big pack did and I caught up with a cool dude I had chatted with for a good part of the ride on Saturday. Rob was chatting with his buddy Jake, when I rode up and Jake was a dood that would make fatmarc proud. He was fully decked in wool, riding an uber doped out IF touring bike. He was a hardcore messenger and a cool dude too. We chatted for a good long while, watching the beautiful day and people pass before our eyes and then I rode back knowing I had kicked it hard for 2 days with dudes half my cat., but not double my strength. Damn, I can't wait for next years road season already. MV, you up for any road? I want to do a BC friend's TT at some races. That solo stuff is fun, but why not have a few friends along for the ride??
Oh yes, I have to admit that the rower hottie, Thea, was there for a second day of pummeling. She is sick, another person in the Katie Compton mold. Pure hardcore diesel, it's like she doesn't know the small ring exists. Supposedly she's riding for Guys next year. Lets keep those fingers crossed as hopefully I can convince her to race some of the men's categories as she's stronger than any Cat 4 I know of.
Big bummer for the Guys Cross race coming up in 2 weeks. It looks like they are lacking a mic for BC and his homie Joe Lanzario. If anyone wants to donate a PA and possibly and generator so BC can hype you up, please drop me a line, as of right now, the air will be silent.
Ride on!
Saturday was the harder, shorter route. You stay towards the front to avoid the squirrells and also so you can chat without the worry that the person next to you will take you out.
Richie Corderro was out in force both days, he's definitely the Hugh Hefner of bikes. Always in style and always a ladies man. He knows how to work it.
I have no clue about the route we took, all I know it had about 4.5 million stop signs and lights which we never totally stopped at with a group which was always ancy. We had a flat during the ride, and surprisingly everyone stopped, but when you realize it was the only chick (and an uber hottie at that) you realize why. Damn those women have power when they are in spandex. I have to admit, I was the one who changed the flat though. I guess the guys were too busy checking her out to actually help her with the flat. The ride ended with a good pace on West River drive and surprisingly I had some power and so it felt good driving the pace in the high 20's, but was even more surprising as it was me and the chick laying down the pace. It ends up she's a highly competitive rower. Damn those rowers, always making us cyclists look like hobbiests.
Sunday was more of the same, though this time it was supposed to be a "tempo ride", but get a few `people who like to be first up a hill and within a few minutes you have a fast ride and sure enough that happened. Richie Corderro, Dave (also from Guys Racing) and I turned around to help a fine lady and teamate after the pack flew up a mile long ascent. We didn't know where we lost her so each of us turned around and took a side road. I rode along for 2 miles, then turned around, figuring she didn't go this way. I rode into Richie, who said they found her and Dave was riding with her to VF, where we were to meet up. Richie and I TT'd to the VF park, but alas, no Dave and no hot Katie, figures as who would want other dudes riding with you when you are with a hot mama???? Richie ended up taking me on one sweet route of climb after climb as we slowly headed back to Philly. I was put in difficulty many times by my big chainring climbing friend, but as usual, the descents proved my savior and allowed me to stay with Richie on the 2 hour trek back home. We got back to the Art Museum a few minutes after the big pack did and I caught up with a cool dude I had chatted with for a good part of the ride on Saturday. Rob was chatting with his buddy Jake, when I rode up and Jake was a dood that would make fatmarc proud. He was fully decked in wool, riding an uber doped out IF touring bike. He was a hardcore messenger and a cool dude too. We chatted for a good long while, watching the beautiful day and people pass before our eyes and then I rode back knowing I had kicked it hard for 2 days with dudes half my cat., but not double my strength. Damn, I can't wait for next years road season already. MV, you up for any road? I want to do a BC friend's TT at some races. That solo stuff is fun, but why not have a few friends along for the ride??
Oh yes, I have to admit that the rower hottie, Thea, was there for a second day of pummeling. She is sick, another person in the Katie Compton mold. Pure hardcore diesel, it's like she doesn't know the small ring exists. Supposedly she's riding for Guys next year. Lets keep those fingers crossed as hopefully I can convince her to race some of the men's categories as she's stronger than any Cat 4 I know of.
Big bummer for the Guys Cross race coming up in 2 weeks. It looks like they are lacking a mic for BC and his homie Joe Lanzario. If anyone wants to donate a PA and possibly and generator so BC can hype you up, please drop me a line, as of right now, the air will be silent.
Ride on!

Went city stomping Saturday night for the first time since I moved to Philly in May. I rode up Broad St. sidewalk and then when I hit Sansom and Broad I hit this madness!!! It was Oktoberfest sponsored by Ludwigs, a German themed restuarant behind my office building. There was a rocking Polka band saying Phuk more times than a gangsta rap song when I came around the corner, they had the crowd going and the hotties out in force. Check out the clown, she had to be at least 80 yrs. old.

Sunday, September 25, 2005
Trader Joes vs. Whole Foods Market: The Shootout
I've been doing some comparison shopp'n the past few weeks to see which organic carrying grocery store is best in Philly. (note, I have yet to find a co-op, but I really haven't had time to look)
The first few months here I hit the Whole Foods on South St. , but my DE trader Joes' friends kept on getting after me and telling me that the Trader Joes on 21st and Market is a dope store, better than the one on Rt. 202. So alas, the last month I've been hitting that store up, even though it is farther, to see if it stacks up against Whole Foods.
Here's the criteria for rating the stores:
1. Ease of riding to and also possibly taking public tranz to.
2. Parking spot for bikes
3. Selection of fine organic foods.
4. Prices
5. Selection of fine ladies
6. Sales Staff
7. Chocolate Selection
The Shootout!!!
1. Ease of riding to and also possibly taking public tranz:
WF is pretty much a straight shot up 11th st. for me, but 11th has trolley tracks which are evil and they like to grab wheels and throw cyclists to the ground, and so I have to ride up to 13th st and then up to South St. Approximate ride time is 5 minutes. Subway isn't too applicable to take as it would take more time walking to the rail-line than actually walking to the store. I probably wouldn't take the bus to WF either. Ride back is just taking 10th st. from South St. all the way back to my st. a nice easy ride.
The ride to TJ's is easily twice as long. I head up 13th and take a left onto Lombard and take Lombard to 20th and then head to Market. Though on non-rush hour times it's wicked fun to instead head up to Walnut as that street always has a bunch of hotties walking any time of the day. The ride to TJ's does get a little dicey at times as I go through the heart of downtown Philly and so I have to flip on the aggressive bike rider hat and fight for space with cabbies. This ride can be more fun though b/c of that. Public tranz would work for TJ's, I could walk to the Broad St. line and take that to Market. Then walk 5 blocks to TJ's. This would entail more walking than a walk to WF's though.
Winner is WF
2. Parking spots for bikes
WF Parking is top notch. There's 2 locations. One setup is right next to their entry way, the other is in the parking garage, which come winter time should be a good spot. Plus not many cyclists know about the parking garage spots and so you will always have space to lock up your bike in any config you want. Also another big + is that the parking spots have video cameras watching. Oh yes and don't forget about the fun ride down the exit ramp out of the parking garage.
The TJ parking has tons of space, but also can be filled with tons of bikes on certain days. If you hit it on a weekend, you will have to get creative with your lock, but anytime during the week, you'll be fine. One perk of TJ parking is that you will always see some sweet people movers locked up, nothing bling, just bikes with a lot of love and purpose built into them. TJ"s parking is also right next to it's entry way, though I don't think there's any video cameras.
Winner is WF, though not by much.
3. Selection of fine organic foods.
WF has phenomenal marketing and display of their foods, both organic and nasty pesticide versions. It's quite a beautiful mosaic of fruit and veggie colors and it gives me an artlike feeling everytime I see it, though it also always makes my ADD go into a tailspin, as there's so much to see and I just don't know where to look first. Their organic selection is quite good (never as good as Newark Co-Op though) and my only big gripe is that they don't totally segregate the organic from the nasty pesticide produce. Someone needs to tell WF that it's ok to segregate the organic from the non, it would make it easier to find what I need. It's not like they are different races of people or something like that. WF does carry a wide variety of organic frozen fruits, which TJ's stopped carrying about a year ago. I can understand not everyone wants to pay $4 for 10 oz of frozen blueberries, but come winter time that's the only way I can still eat organic fruit. I'll pay for it when I want it. WF also has the bulk food dispensing area, similar to the Newark co-op, which TJ's does not have.
TJ's has a store layout which seems to be built for males. There's a definite segregation of organic and pesticide food. There's not an overly abundant selection (for instance, there's only one kind of organic black beans you can buy), there's not much focus on distracting displays, and everything seems to be in a very logical order. TJ's seem to have seen the light and created a store which is the fastest to shop in the whole world. While their selection on everything is a lot less than WF, it's very efficient and it keeps the thinking to a minimum. Think, you walk in wanting organic olive oil. You hit WF and see there are 5 kinds, damn now you have to pick each bottle up and read about them to see which oil may be better. Not at TJ's there's one kind there. Bam!, no thought at all, just pick up the bottle and move on.
Winner is TJ's by a slight margin b/c of ease of shopping. WF's does carry a wider selection, but I don't live to shop, I live to ride my bike and survive by eating good food.
4. Price$
Prices at WF are straight up higher than TJ's, it take only about 1 minute to find that out. I've seen a few things which are the sames prices at WF and TJ's, but I've noticed that for many things you can expect to pay 10% more for the same thing at WF. It seems you pay for WF's wider selection.
Winner is TJ's by at least 10%
5. Selection of fine ladies
This by far has taken the majority of the my time and effort during this indepth research project. Each store has it's fair share, though I have noticed a distinct difference in the stores' selections of fine ladies. WF's seem to bring out the hottest mothers in Philly, typically they are in their 30's and look like they probably drove one of the benz's or beemer's up in the parking garage. WF's ladies' also look more corporate and self conscious about their appearance (you know, like the chics who put on all their makeup before they go workout). These ladies also look a bit more high end than the TJ's variety.
The ladies of TJ's seem to have that crunchier feel to them, probably b/c it's close proximety to University City (Drexel and UPenn), though also it could be b/c TJ's has that counter culture thing going. For some reason, it also feels more diverse at TJ's, the ladies shopping there aren't all white, there's a wider variety of ages, and socio-economic status too. I've also found that TJ's also has a greater quantity of ladies at any time of the day, though again, it could be b/c the closeness of the schools.
Winner is..............a tie. Heck, all the ladies are beautiful to me and there is always an abundance at both stores. Though if you are single TJ's does have an edge over WF's.
6. Sales Staff
WF's always seems to have the most chill workstaff. Plus their manager was very helpful one day when $30 of grocery's some how cost me over $50. I've learned my lesson now and I promise I'm not going to flirt with the cute checkout girls. Whenever I do, they seem to double bill me. I guess I'm too sexy and they get distracted or something like that. Oh yes, and there's one WF checkout girl who always sees me and flashes a brilliant smile and a little wave. I'm still trying to remember what I said to her to have her be so friendly to me.
TJ's staff at it's Philly store must be hitting lines of coke in the back as they always have more pep in their step than Carl Lewis. I dig their service as it's speedy, but I do miss that personal touch, though it could just be the difference in location from the DE rt. 202 store and the Philly location. The rt. 202 store knew my name and would even notice when I hadn't been there in 3 days. I have a feeling this TJ store will never notice such a thing.
Winner is WF. Who can't beat a cute girl who goes out of her way to say hi to you everytime you are in the store?
7. Coco Selection
I used 3 criteria in rating this: Price, Quantity and Quality.
WF's coco selection doesn't impress me, it's definitely not set up for the addicts, it's more geared to the coniseur. Good selection of higher quality coco, but the quantity/price ration always ends up being a smaller number than almost any coco at TJ's.
TJ's has $1.49/ 14 oz of chocolate chips, that's crap chips typically at a price that low, but not at TJ's. The chips are dynamite. Then when you want to step it up to organic/gourment coco, they got it going on. They used to carry Terra Nostra, but then it seems Terra Nostra now makes the coco, but TJ's puts their name on it. Best damn organic chocolate I've ever had. The 57% coco bar is yummy the 72% bar is rocket fuel.
TJ's wins by a big chocolate induced high!
Overall conclusions and additional reserach notes.
Both stores will continue to be visited by me as neither store offers a complete shopping heaven, though both do their jobs well. TJ's stores are efficient and inexpensive, while WF offer a complete shopping experience, though it is more tedious and expensive. Both stores also have fine ladies in every isle and so until the day arrives where I have a fine shopping companion, I'll have to keep all the isle's open for shopping.
Oh yes, and I did also check out the Shoprite in the Snyder Plaza. Phukk'n sucks. It may be a little cheaper, but time is money and that store takes too much time. Plus they only carry pesticide food. There's a reason why WFMI (that's WF's ticker) has quadroupled in 2 years and why Safeway, Albertsons and the other grocery chains are struggling. The stores are way too big and take too much time to shop.
Also I doubt everyone saw the article on TJ's in Forbes a few weeks ago, but incase you didn't know, TJ's is not publically traded in the US. It's owned by a European conglomerate after the founder sold the business a few years ago. Luckily for us though, he still runs the company.
Hopefully he'll see the light and open a TJ in South Philly. We need to share some healthier food with the general population down here.
The first few months here I hit the Whole Foods on South St. , but my DE trader Joes' friends kept on getting after me and telling me that the Trader Joes on 21st and Market is a dope store, better than the one on Rt. 202. So alas, the last month I've been hitting that store up, even though it is farther, to see if it stacks up against Whole Foods.
Here's the criteria for rating the stores:
1. Ease of riding to and also possibly taking public tranz to.
2. Parking spot for bikes
3. Selection of fine organic foods.
4. Prices
5. Selection of fine ladies
6. Sales Staff
7. Chocolate Selection
The Shootout!!!
1. Ease of riding to and also possibly taking public tranz:
WF is pretty much a straight shot up 11th st. for me, but 11th has trolley tracks which are evil and they like to grab wheels and throw cyclists to the ground, and so I have to ride up to 13th st and then up to South St. Approximate ride time is 5 minutes. Subway isn't too applicable to take as it would take more time walking to the rail-line than actually walking to the store. I probably wouldn't take the bus to WF either. Ride back is just taking 10th st. from South St. all the way back to my st. a nice easy ride.
The ride to TJ's is easily twice as long. I head up 13th and take a left onto Lombard and take Lombard to 20th and then head to Market. Though on non-rush hour times it's wicked fun to instead head up to Walnut as that street always has a bunch of hotties walking any time of the day. The ride to TJ's does get a little dicey at times as I go through the heart of downtown Philly and so I have to flip on the aggressive bike rider hat and fight for space with cabbies. This ride can be more fun though b/c of that. Public tranz would work for TJ's, I could walk to the Broad St. line and take that to Market. Then walk 5 blocks to TJ's. This would entail more walking than a walk to WF's though.
Winner is WF
2. Parking spots for bikes
WF Parking is top notch. There's 2 locations. One setup is right next to their entry way, the other is in the parking garage, which come winter time should be a good spot. Plus not many cyclists know about the parking garage spots and so you will always have space to lock up your bike in any config you want. Also another big + is that the parking spots have video cameras watching. Oh yes and don't forget about the fun ride down the exit ramp out of the parking garage.
The TJ parking has tons of space, but also can be filled with tons of bikes on certain days. If you hit it on a weekend, you will have to get creative with your lock, but anytime during the week, you'll be fine. One perk of TJ parking is that you will always see some sweet people movers locked up, nothing bling, just bikes with a lot of love and purpose built into them. TJ"s parking is also right next to it's entry way, though I don't think there's any video cameras.
Winner is WF, though not by much.
3. Selection of fine organic foods.
WF has phenomenal marketing and display of their foods, both organic and nasty pesticide versions. It's quite a beautiful mosaic of fruit and veggie colors and it gives me an artlike feeling everytime I see it, though it also always makes my ADD go into a tailspin, as there's so much to see and I just don't know where to look first. Their organic selection is quite good (never as good as Newark Co-Op though) and my only big gripe is that they don't totally segregate the organic from the nasty pesticide produce. Someone needs to tell WF that it's ok to segregate the organic from the non, it would make it easier to find what I need. It's not like they are different races of people or something like that. WF does carry a wide variety of organic frozen fruits, which TJ's stopped carrying about a year ago. I can understand not everyone wants to pay $4 for 10 oz of frozen blueberries, but come winter time that's the only way I can still eat organic fruit. I'll pay for it when I want it. WF also has the bulk food dispensing area, similar to the Newark co-op, which TJ's does not have.
TJ's has a store layout which seems to be built for males. There's a definite segregation of organic and pesticide food. There's not an overly abundant selection (for instance, there's only one kind of organic black beans you can buy), there's not much focus on distracting displays, and everything seems to be in a very logical order. TJ's seem to have seen the light and created a store which is the fastest to shop in the whole world. While their selection on everything is a lot less than WF, it's very efficient and it keeps the thinking to a minimum. Think, you walk in wanting organic olive oil. You hit WF and see there are 5 kinds, damn now you have to pick each bottle up and read about them to see which oil may be better. Not at TJ's there's one kind there. Bam!, no thought at all, just pick up the bottle and move on.
Winner is TJ's by a slight margin b/c of ease of shopping. WF's does carry a wider selection, but I don't live to shop, I live to ride my bike and survive by eating good food.
4. Price$
Prices at WF are straight up higher than TJ's, it take only about 1 minute to find that out. I've seen a few things which are the sames prices at WF and TJ's, but I've noticed that for many things you can expect to pay 10% more for the same thing at WF. It seems you pay for WF's wider selection.
Winner is TJ's by at least 10%
5. Selection of fine ladies
This by far has taken the majority of the my time and effort during this indepth research project. Each store has it's fair share, though I have noticed a distinct difference in the stores' selections of fine ladies. WF's seem to bring out the hottest mothers in Philly, typically they are in their 30's and look like they probably drove one of the benz's or beemer's up in the parking garage. WF's ladies' also look more corporate and self conscious about their appearance (you know, like the chics who put on all their makeup before they go workout). These ladies also look a bit more high end than the TJ's variety.
The ladies of TJ's seem to have that crunchier feel to them, probably b/c it's close proximety to University City (Drexel and UPenn), though also it could be b/c TJ's has that counter culture thing going. For some reason, it also feels more diverse at TJ's, the ladies shopping there aren't all white, there's a wider variety of ages, and socio-economic status too. I've also found that TJ's also has a greater quantity of ladies at any time of the day, though again, it could be b/c the closeness of the schools.
Winner is..............a tie. Heck, all the ladies are beautiful to me and there is always an abundance at both stores. Though if you are single TJ's does have an edge over WF's.
6. Sales Staff
WF's always seems to have the most chill workstaff. Plus their manager was very helpful one day when $30 of grocery's some how cost me over $50. I've learned my lesson now and I promise I'm not going to flirt with the cute checkout girls. Whenever I do, they seem to double bill me. I guess I'm too sexy and they get distracted or something like that. Oh yes, and there's one WF checkout girl who always sees me and flashes a brilliant smile and a little wave. I'm still trying to remember what I said to her to have her be so friendly to me.
TJ's staff at it's Philly store must be hitting lines of coke in the back as they always have more pep in their step than Carl Lewis. I dig their service as it's speedy, but I do miss that personal touch, though it could just be the difference in location from the DE rt. 202 store and the Philly location. The rt. 202 store knew my name and would even notice when I hadn't been there in 3 days. I have a feeling this TJ store will never notice such a thing.
Winner is WF. Who can't beat a cute girl who goes out of her way to say hi to you everytime you are in the store?
7. Coco Selection
I used 3 criteria in rating this: Price, Quantity and Quality.
WF's coco selection doesn't impress me, it's definitely not set up for the addicts, it's more geared to the coniseur. Good selection of higher quality coco, but the quantity/price ration always ends up being a smaller number than almost any coco at TJ's.
TJ's has $1.49/ 14 oz of chocolate chips, that's crap chips typically at a price that low, but not at TJ's. The chips are dynamite. Then when you want to step it up to organic/gourment coco, they got it going on. They used to carry Terra Nostra, but then it seems Terra Nostra now makes the coco, but TJ's puts their name on it. Best damn organic chocolate I've ever had. The 57% coco bar is yummy the 72% bar is rocket fuel.
TJ's wins by a big chocolate induced high!
Overall conclusions and additional reserach notes.
Both stores will continue to be visited by me as neither store offers a complete shopping heaven, though both do their jobs well. TJ's stores are efficient and inexpensive, while WF offer a complete shopping experience, though it is more tedious and expensive. Both stores also have fine ladies in every isle and so until the day arrives where I have a fine shopping companion, I'll have to keep all the isle's open for shopping.
Oh yes, and I did also check out the Shoprite in the Snyder Plaza. Phukk'n sucks. It may be a little cheaper, but time is money and that store takes too much time. Plus they only carry pesticide food. There's a reason why WFMI (that's WF's ticker) has quadroupled in 2 years and why Safeway, Albertsons and the other grocery chains are struggling. The stores are way too big and take too much time to shop.
Also I doubt everyone saw the article on TJ's in Forbes a few weeks ago, but incase you didn't know, TJ's is not publically traded in the US. It's owned by a European conglomerate after the founder sold the business a few years ago. Luckily for us though, he still runs the company.
Hopefully he'll see the light and open a TJ in South Philly. We need to share some healthier food with the general population down here.
Whole Foods Market
Trader Joes
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Open flys on the train!
I'm like 6 for 6 the past 6 weeks for forgetting to zip the fly before I leave the house at least one day a week. I don't know what's up with that, but now I'm totally getting paranoid!!! I think it's my big rush to get to work each morning and I'm totally focused on not forgetting my lunch, or making sure my tie looks right. I've been wondering why I get some random smiles on the subways these days....
Took off yesterday and today to ride this sweet West Coast weather. I've been feeling wicked fit and so yesterday I thought I would go try to make the ride out to beautiful V-Forge and back in less than 4 hours. No luck. I started running again 2 weeks ago, and yesterday I had all these aches and pains on the bike. It felt like my first hard ride of the season it was so bad. My knee was throbbing, the balls of my feet were burning. I had weird saddle hot spots, it was least it was a beautiful day out and the park was awesome. Vally-Forge has to be one of the coolest places to ride around here. Also the city is just so vibrant on days like yesterday and today.
$4-5 gas??? How about paying $50 to fill your honda up? That's how it's going to be a week from now. Ride your bike everyone!!! To those that don't follow the economy, get ready for prices to rise big time at the grocery store and everywhere else for that matter. All those goods have to be moved somehow and they don't have a magic carpet ride to get to the stores. If you follow the markets go to or and look at year charts of some airlines like CAL, DAL, NWAC, AAI, MESA, JBLU and see them dropping off a cliff b/c of gas. Retailers like ANF, URBN, WMT, AEOS, ARO and TGT. They too are getting destroyed b/c of where investors think gas prices are going.
People think New Orleans got hammered, wait until H-town gets Rita, it's going to be just as tragic. The houses built in that town sure aren't build to last, also the whole city is only a few feet above sea level. I spoke to my mother last night and she says that our house down there wouldn't withstand the storm as we are in a 100 yr. flood plain and that's before people developed many square miles of forest and farm land surrounding our neighborhood.
I feel sorry for all the NO people evacuated to the AstroDome, only to have to be moved again.
Remember people, ride your bike and save some gas!!!
Took off yesterday and today to ride this sweet West Coast weather. I've been feeling wicked fit and so yesterday I thought I would go try to make the ride out to beautiful V-Forge and back in less than 4 hours. No luck. I started running again 2 weeks ago, and yesterday I had all these aches and pains on the bike. It felt like my first hard ride of the season it was so bad. My knee was throbbing, the balls of my feet were burning. I had weird saddle hot spots, it was least it was a beautiful day out and the park was awesome. Vally-Forge has to be one of the coolest places to ride around here. Also the city is just so vibrant on days like yesterday and today.
$4-5 gas??? How about paying $50 to fill your honda up? That's how it's going to be a week from now. Ride your bike everyone!!! To those that don't follow the economy, get ready for prices to rise big time at the grocery store and everywhere else for that matter. All those goods have to be moved somehow and they don't have a magic carpet ride to get to the stores. If you follow the markets go to or and look at year charts of some airlines like CAL, DAL, NWAC, AAI, MESA, JBLU and see them dropping off a cliff b/c of gas. Retailers like ANF, URBN, WMT, AEOS, ARO and TGT. They too are getting destroyed b/c of where investors think gas prices are going.
People think New Orleans got hammered, wait until H-town gets Rita, it's going to be just as tragic. The houses built in that town sure aren't build to last, also the whole city is only a few feet above sea level. I spoke to my mother last night and she says that our house down there wouldn't withstand the storm as we are in a 100 yr. flood plain and that's before people developed many square miles of forest and farm land surrounding our neighborhood.
I feel sorry for all the NO people evacuated to the AstroDome, only to have to be moved again.
Remember people, ride your bike and save some gas!!!
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Another fine morning in the city!!!
Woke up way too early this morning, but that's alright as I could get some stuff done and get a good run in this morning. It's amazing how quiet the town is. Not much noise at all other than a few jets landing at the airport and my crazy neighbor talking to his dog outside....
Another great weekend just passed!!! A fine friend from DE had a b-day party at Gallucios in Wilmington Sat. Night and many friends rocked out to sing Karaoke and shake some bootay. Last year she had her b-day party in Philly and I had such a blast, it convinced me to try to find a job up here and alas, I'm now living in this town. Our crew and a wedding party pretty much took over the bar and by midnight or so it was such a fun rowdy crowd there. Also by having 4 mics, many people would join in if someone was struggling on the mic. It was cool. I ended up singing way too much and probably hurt at least a few eardrums. Busted out a few 80's classics, some 90's hip-hop and some P.oakenfold. I love singing Tainted Love, that song's way too fun to sing when you have some fine ladies in the audience. As usual the E.Scrhamm and Jill duet was tops for the night!!!
One bummer of the weekend though was that while driving in Wilmington Saturday afternoon I decided to take a turn way too tight (rte 202 onto Augustine cutoff at 50mph) and blew a tyre on the car when the curb jumped out and attacked me. On Sunday when I went to buy a new one I knew I was in trouble when they told me they were out of stock after selling the last set to a Porsche. I asked how much for the tyre (I thought it would be around $100 before I knew that these tyres were on Porsche) and damn, $230 a PIECE. So I'm now really finding good reason to sell the new car and do this: . I've met a few people who have used the carshare and they like it a lot. Plus, who wouldn't want to not worry about crackheads breaking into their car? Every morning I've made it a habit to see if my car is A) Still there, B) Not broken into and C) that there's no ticket on the window. Yes it would stink not having a car, but that hippy inside of me actually likes the thought I would be carless in a city where a car is a waste of space. Plus it would give me an even greater incentive to ride the bike and walk.
Tuesday night Worlds are tonight. Still debating if I should do them as I'm going to take off of work on Wednesday and Thursday to ride and work on the house. The Worlds are fun stuff, but even 45 minutes in the ride is enough to cook me as I have about as I have no high end at all these days. The weather is just looking better and better as the Summer winds down and Fall officially begins (sept 22).
Yey, my alarm just kicked on! Time to wake up boys and girls, another beautiful day is about to start.
Another great weekend just passed!!! A fine friend from DE had a b-day party at Gallucios in Wilmington Sat. Night and many friends rocked out to sing Karaoke and shake some bootay. Last year she had her b-day party in Philly and I had such a blast, it convinced me to try to find a job up here and alas, I'm now living in this town. Our crew and a wedding party pretty much took over the bar and by midnight or so it was such a fun rowdy crowd there. Also by having 4 mics, many people would join in if someone was struggling on the mic. It was cool. I ended up singing way too much and probably hurt at least a few eardrums. Busted out a few 80's classics, some 90's hip-hop and some P.oakenfold. I love singing Tainted Love, that song's way too fun to sing when you have some fine ladies in the audience. As usual the E.Scrhamm and Jill duet was tops for the night!!!
One bummer of the weekend though was that while driving in Wilmington Saturday afternoon I decided to take a turn way too tight (rte 202 onto Augustine cutoff at 50mph) and blew a tyre on the car when the curb jumped out and attacked me. On Sunday when I went to buy a new one I knew I was in trouble when they told me they were out of stock after selling the last set to a Porsche. I asked how much for the tyre (I thought it would be around $100 before I knew that these tyres were on Porsche) and damn, $230 a PIECE. So I'm now really finding good reason to sell the new car and do this: . I've met a few people who have used the carshare and they like it a lot. Plus, who wouldn't want to not worry about crackheads breaking into their car? Every morning I've made it a habit to see if my car is A) Still there, B) Not broken into and C) that there's no ticket on the window. Yes it would stink not having a car, but that hippy inside of me actually likes the thought I would be carless in a city where a car is a waste of space. Plus it would give me an even greater incentive to ride the bike and walk.
Tuesday night Worlds are tonight. Still debating if I should do them as I'm going to take off of work on Wednesday and Thursday to ride and work on the house. The Worlds are fun stuff, but even 45 minutes in the ride is enough to cook me as I have about as I have no high end at all these days. The weather is just looking better and better as the Summer winds down and Fall officially begins (sept 22).
Yey, my alarm just kicked on! Time to wake up boys and girls, another beautiful day is about to start.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
10 Reason's to move to P-town
1. Gas prices. In good ol' Philly, you don't drive much at all and techinically you don't need a car. The subway is good, not as nice as DC, but I feel it's cleaner and safer than NYC. There's grocery stores, cafe's, pizza joints, bike shops, and crack dealers all within walking distance and so you never have to think about getting in the car.
2. The Art. Yes, Philly, ain't no NYC, but still, the town overflows with art and the expression which goes along with those chain smoking art people. Also the Philly Art Museum building has the steps which Rocky trained on. You can't beat that!!!
3. The bicycle Scene. For men and women alike, this town has a lot of bike riding people who you will meet. There's hippies, roadies, mtb'ers, messengers, kids, and junkies all riding their bikes at the same time in this urban jungle. Seeing a messenger weave though rush hour traffic is artwork in motion, especially if you actually knew that they had no brakes and couldn't coast their bike, the appreciation of what they do, really is an art.
4. The I'm too sexy people. This refers to both the hotties and the mack dad-E-O's walking the streets in this town. It's almost like NYC in the amount of people trying their hardest at looking stylish and different in a town of millions. It's cool just to walk the city during lunch hour and see all the colors and sexy looking people in this town.
5. The vast amount of ethnic cuisine and food stores. I have yet to really live it up in this town, but everywhere you look there's some type of restuarant or store selling some type of food you probably have never tried or even heard of. Also the EyeTallian market has a lot of this town going on (Artsy, bicycles, sexy people, famous Tofu steak joints)
6. Famous Cheese Tofu Steak Joints. If you hit Passyunk Ave East of Broad St. you are going to run into Pat's and Gino's Tofu Steak houses. These places are WORLD famous for their tofu and are a must have for visitors. Again, I have yet to hit these places up, but if my mother's heard of them, you know they must be famous and good.
7. Kerry/Edwards Stickers on most cars. Yes, I moved outta H-Town (houston) years ago, I definetly saw the light shining on the East Coast. People know how to talk politics in this town. No bullsheitting around here, they take it to you and want to know what you think. They may have grammer that make's the avg. Gangsta Rapper proud, but by the end of the conversation you will definitely understand their points.
8. Sports. Yes, you have the overpaid athlete teams that almost all big cities have (Football, basketball, baseball, hockey), but you also have a huge mix of weekend warrior type sports like softball, running clubs, rowing clubs, street b-ball, cycling, and water sports from your favorite escorts (check the back of City Paper if you don't have one yet!!)
9. Mayor John Street. I dig this guy, it sounds like he gets a bad rap, but I think it's from the white people always dissing the man. He's energetic and doesn't talk above everyone like most big city mayors seem to do, and he doesn't act like he's talking to a kindergarten class like Mr. President. You have to remember that this is one of the biggest and oldest cities in America and tax revenue has to go a lot farther than cities built up in the last 50 years.
10. Tha H00chie mamas and tha P1mP Daddies. Wow, they are all over this town.
To the ladies ...if you love that white t-shirt, dirty-tattered blue jean, short-haircut (with accompanying chinstrap), cigarette smoking, tatoo wearing, no-car owning (but driving a pimped out ride anyways), man, this is YOUR town!!
To the daddies, if you've been looking for that just entered high school (but been smoking since grade school), hip-shaking, dirty talking, stroller pushing, also tatoo wearing, catholic school girl, this is YOUR town too!!
So everybody, come on up and see what this town has to offer YOU. The weather's getting cooler and the breeze is clearing out the pollution, so now's the time to visit your friends in Philly!!
2. The Art. Yes, Philly, ain't no NYC, but still, the town overflows with art and the expression which goes along with those chain smoking art people. Also the Philly Art Museum building has the steps which Rocky trained on. You can't beat that!!!
3. The bicycle Scene. For men and women alike, this town has a lot of bike riding people who you will meet. There's hippies, roadies, mtb'ers, messengers, kids, and junkies all riding their bikes at the same time in this urban jungle. Seeing a messenger weave though rush hour traffic is artwork in motion, especially if you actually knew that they had no brakes and couldn't coast their bike, the appreciation of what they do, really is an art.
4. The I'm too sexy people. This refers to both the hotties and the mack dad-E-O's walking the streets in this town. It's almost like NYC in the amount of people trying their hardest at looking stylish and different in a town of millions. It's cool just to walk the city during lunch hour and see all the colors and sexy looking people in this town.
5. The vast amount of ethnic cuisine and food stores. I have yet to really live it up in this town, but everywhere you look there's some type of restuarant or store selling some type of food you probably have never tried or even heard of. Also the EyeTallian market has a lot of this town going on (Artsy, bicycles, sexy people, famous Tofu steak joints)
6. Famous Cheese Tofu Steak Joints. If you hit Passyunk Ave East of Broad St. you are going to run into Pat's and Gino's Tofu Steak houses. These places are WORLD famous for their tofu and are a must have for visitors. Again, I have yet to hit these places up, but if my mother's heard of them, you know they must be famous and good.
7. Kerry/Edwards Stickers on most cars. Yes, I moved outta H-Town (houston) years ago, I definetly saw the light shining on the East Coast. People know how to talk politics in this town. No bullsheitting around here, they take it to you and want to know what you think. They may have grammer that make's the avg. Gangsta Rapper proud, but by the end of the conversation you will definitely understand their points.
8. Sports. Yes, you have the overpaid athlete teams that almost all big cities have (Football, basketball, baseball, hockey), but you also have a huge mix of weekend warrior type sports like softball, running clubs, rowing clubs, street b-ball, cycling, and water sports from your favorite escorts (check the back of City Paper if you don't have one yet!!)
9. Mayor John Street. I dig this guy, it sounds like he gets a bad rap, but I think it's from the white people always dissing the man. He's energetic and doesn't talk above everyone like most big city mayors seem to do, and he doesn't act like he's talking to a kindergarten class like Mr. President. You have to remember that this is one of the biggest and oldest cities in America and tax revenue has to go a lot farther than cities built up in the last 50 years.
10. Tha H00chie mamas and tha P1mP Daddies. Wow, they are all over this town.
To the ladies ...if you love that white t-shirt, dirty-tattered blue jean, short-haircut (with accompanying chinstrap), cigarette smoking, tatoo wearing, no-car owning (but driving a pimped out ride anyways), man, this is YOUR town!!
To the daddies, if you've been looking for that just entered high school (but been smoking since grade school), hip-shaking, dirty talking, stroller pushing, also tatoo wearing, catholic school girl, this is YOUR town too!!
So everybody, come on up and see what this town has to offer YOU. The weather's getting cooler and the breeze is clearing out the pollution, so now's the time to visit your friends in Philly!!
Toasting the Summer away
Had to pour myself a margarita to drink the (hopefully!) last 90 degree day of the year away. It's been a little rough in the city on the hot days, as the heat just stays with you, unlike the "country" where I used to live in Newark, DE. One supposedly positive thing about the city's heat is that the subways stay nice and balmy even in the winter, also now that I live and work here, no snow storm is too big to keep me from my office....though is that a good thing?
Oh snap, I think I haven't mentioned that the building where I work is the same building they used in the Eddie Murphy movie, Trading Places. The building is way too freaking beautiful for how we use it today. Man, if only I had a billion burning a hole in my pocket, I would buy it and make it even more kick ass. I have to creep down and get a picture of the old bank vault one day. The door is mindblowing. It's 4 feet thick of beautiful stainless steel and the back of the door (the side which faces inside the vault) is all glass and you can see all the gears which the door uses to open and close itself every day. We don't even use that vault anymore as it's 2 stories underground and it's probably too big for modern day uses. The room is the phuk'n bomb though and would be awesome to convert it to some secret afterhous type club.
Oh snap, I think I haven't mentioned that the building where I work is the same building they used in the Eddie Murphy movie, Trading Places. The building is way too freaking beautiful for how we use it today. Man, if only I had a billion burning a hole in my pocket, I would buy it and make it even more kick ass. I have to creep down and get a picture of the old bank vault one day. The door is mindblowing. It's 4 feet thick of beautiful stainless steel and the back of the door (the side which faces inside the vault) is all glass and you can see all the gears which the door uses to open and close itself every day. We don't even use that vault anymore as it's 2 stories underground and it's probably too big for modern day uses. The room is the phuk'n bomb though and would be awesome to convert it to some secret afterhous type club.
Writings on the Wall
Here's what the writing says, as I realized you cannot see it blown up:
"My Dearest Nips, I love you just the way you are!
There's so much of you to love,
Love Always, Mar-Mar."
That's classic, I wonder how old it is considering the wall paper had to be decades old.
Ahh, good ol' Sou' Phil.
I was kickin' back with some of the neighbors on the street Saturday night. A few of the ladies who have lived here for a few 10's of years mentioned that when they bought their homes, they were told at the time the houses were over 100 years old. And when I bought my house in May, I was told the house is at least 100 years old. I'm wondering if another 50 years from now if they will just keep saying these houses are over 100 years old, even though they are well over 200???
"My Dearest Nips, I love you just the way you are!
There's so much of you to love,
Love Always, Mar-Mar."
That's classic, I wonder how old it is considering the wall paper had to be decades old.
Ahh, good ol' Sou' Phil.
I was kickin' back with some of the neighbors on the street Saturday night. A few of the ladies who have lived here for a few 10's of years mentioned that when they bought their homes, they were told at the time the houses were over 100 years old. And when I bought my house in May, I was told the house is at least 100 years old. I'm wondering if another 50 years from now if they will just keep saying these houses are over 100 years old, even though they are well over 200???
Cash flow Positive
Soooper Phukk'n yeah, I'm finally cash flow positive since mov'n to P-town. Finally sold my old doped out Honda Accord. I'm already sad about it though as that car was bought back in 1997 and I had it through most of college and the adventurous years following school. It's been more trusty than any good mutt could have been. Philly would have been too much for it though, any doped out Honda on these city streets would have been jacked a few times. Plus I don't want to give the hoochie mamas on the street too many positive signals. They already get excited enough seeing me in Spandex a few times a week.
Tuesday Night Worlds
Tonight was another "Tuesday Night World Championships" at the Drives and I got smacked down quickly as the pace was high as there were two pros there. Scott Z (Kodak) and Jelly Belly dude. It was a damn good pace (at least high 20's) , but I had barely a warm up and so I was stuffed as soon as I joined them a half a lap in. I lasted a lap, even pulled through a few times, which was great considering out of 30+ riders, only 10 were pulling through. Today while riding to the ride, I realized I hadn't recovered from my marathon of 11 hours of riding total on Sat and Sun. I spun out the legs yesterday and walking didn't feel bad today, so I figured I give it a try tonight...I've learned the lesson and will have rest tomorrow as I'm taking off another day on Thursday to ride and work on the house, so any DE peeps can skip work too and come out for a sweet 4 hour city stomp/Valley Forge ride.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Snap it's bedtime!!
I love this time of the year as by the time it's 9pm, it's been dark for a while and there's almost always a cool breeze going on. South Philly is keeping this going (well the street lights are like REALLY Bright night lights) and so I've been going to be early the last few days. I've noticed how much better I've been feeling too with this sleep. Though before I'm out, I gotta say congrats to all my peeps from DE who rocked at 7 Springs this past weekend for the 20 Fo' hour race. I miss riding with them, though I didn't really ride with them much before I left as they got more skill on a mtb than I'll ever have. The only way I could keep up with them on the mtb would be if they had to ride a platform peddle sans cleats and one-legged. I remember my last good mtb. ride down in DE was in MiddleRun/White Clay with Christoph Vann A'ridin. I think it took me less than an hour to fall off my bike 2x. The saddest part of it was that I had a suspension bike with 18 gears and Chris was on his rigid Singlespeed. Though Chris, like most DE 1-gearers has mad technical skills and it sure proved that sweet suspension has nothing on technique.
Ride on.
Ride on.

Props again to Dennis Smith as I realized there's a cool shot of me taking a look at everyone suffering around me at an early race (Elkton Crit). It's funny, b/c I remember right before I launched off the front that everyone did look like they were suffering, while my out of shape self, felt great. Damn good shot, thanks Dennis. I love those pictures where everyone in focus is suffering and there is that one person who has no clue to the suffering in them or around them. It sucked that I crashed 3/4 lap later when some NCVC guy got in my way on a turn.

Monday, September 05, 2005
My Mom and I on Saturday
My mother came to visit me and provide guidance on the house this Saturday. People joke around about my energy level, HA, I ain't nothing compared to my mom! Let's just say I can't even keep up with her and she turns 60 next month. She came over and immediately was running around my house with a notebook writing down what she thought I still needed to work on (I'm taking the advice as I have no clue on some stuff). Anyways after an hour of her never catching her breath (amazing I tell you!!), she really, really wants to hit the Eyetallian Market. I convince her that it's a short walk (aka, I don't want to drive 3/4 a mile to spend 10 minutes trying to find a parking spot once we get there) . She wasn't too happy with my decision, but alas, as soon as she smelled Pats and Gino's and saw the craziness of the Market, she found that energy again. Her energy though wasn't the best thing for a crowded market. More than a few times I saved her from almost knocking down people or hopping into a busy intersection. Heck, I even had to remind her to "look both ways before you cross the street."
She couldn't believe the deals of the Market either. The first veggie booth we passed had Green Peppers, 4 for a dollar. Next booth was 5 for $1, next was 6 for $1. She was in deal Heaven, you should have seen her. There were so many deals that it was the first time in a while that I saw her overcome by "good deal" overload. She truly didn't know where to start as everywhere she looked, she seemed to find a better deal than the one she just saw.
Overall I had a fun time at the Market with my mom and we had a good walk back to my place. We stopped at a really good local EyeTallian bakery (right around 10th and Tasker St. I think???) to have seme Canoles and Gelato. Damn it was good, definitely going to hit that place up again as it was place the cookie monster would love. Also you know the baker is true Italian when you are the only customer in line who she speaks English too, while the rest all speak Italian (well, it could have been Klingon as far as I can understand).
We get back to my place and outside are the next-door neighbors, who are a cool young married couple. I remember the wife telling me last week she too has a twin sister (on a conversation of siblings), and alas, there's a hot blonde woman talking with her husband who looks just like my wife-neighbor, but I could tell is not the wife, since my wife-neighbor is not blond. They were heading to a wedding and obviously the sister wasn't going there with a guy, so now I gotta ask my cool wife-neighbor if her hot sister lives around here....but I'm sorta wondering what the cool-husband-neighbor would think if I was trying to get with a carbon copy of his wife?
Ok, anyways my mom and I get back to my place and my mom, who hadn't walked more than 1/2 a mile in a long while gets her second wind (must have been the canole) and decides we need to hit IKEA, Lowes and then Home D'poe. Wowzers, can you say cooked legs? Not my mom!!! I on the other hand was struggling, though knowing that Ikea has more Eye Candy these days than the best bar in town, I decided to go. Again, great decision!!! It must have been "hot women 5'9" (or taller) Day at Ikea when we hit it. All those ladies kept me going while at Ikea, though Lowes and the Home D'poe were rough as I truly was cooked and my mom was in rare form going from isle to isle taking note of things I should pick up (not realizing it would take years for me to actually buy some of the stuff). We did pick up some dope cabinet handles for me to try out. I'm totally regulating in my kitchen right now. That place is going to rock by next Spring.
She couldn't believe the deals of the Market either. The first veggie booth we passed had Green Peppers, 4 for a dollar. Next booth was 5 for $1, next was 6 for $1. She was in deal Heaven, you should have seen her. There were so many deals that it was the first time in a while that I saw her overcome by "good deal" overload. She truly didn't know where to start as everywhere she looked, she seemed to find a better deal than the one she just saw.
Overall I had a fun time at the Market with my mom and we had a good walk back to my place. We stopped at a really good local EyeTallian bakery (right around 10th and Tasker St. I think???) to have seme Canoles and Gelato. Damn it was good, definitely going to hit that place up again as it was place the cookie monster would love. Also you know the baker is true Italian when you are the only customer in line who she speaks English too, while the rest all speak Italian (well, it could have been Klingon as far as I can understand).
We get back to my place and outside are the next-door neighbors, who are a cool young married couple. I remember the wife telling me last week she too has a twin sister (on a conversation of siblings), and alas, there's a hot blonde woman talking with her husband who looks just like my wife-neighbor, but I could tell is not the wife, since my wife-neighbor is not blond. They were heading to a wedding and obviously the sister wasn't going there with a guy, so now I gotta ask my cool wife-neighbor if her hot sister lives around here....but I'm sorta wondering what the cool-husband-neighbor would think if I was trying to get with a carbon copy of his wife?
Ok, anyways my mom and I get back to my place and my mom, who hadn't walked more than 1/2 a mile in a long while gets her second wind (must have been the canole) and decides we need to hit IKEA, Lowes and then Home D'poe. Wowzers, can you say cooked legs? Not my mom!!! I on the other hand was struggling, though knowing that Ikea has more Eye Candy these days than the best bar in town, I decided to go. Again, great decision!!! It must have been "hot women 5'9" (or taller) Day at Ikea when we hit it. All those ladies kept me going while at Ikea, though Lowes and the Home D'poe were rough as I truly was cooked and my mom was in rare form going from isle to isle taking note of things I should pick up (not realizing it would take years for me to actually buy some of the stuff). We did pick up some dope cabinet handles for me to try out. I'm totally regulating in my kitchen right now. That place is going to rock by next Spring.
West Coast Weather on the East Side
Nothing like cutting the week short to ride bikes and work on the house! I took off of work on Wednesday to just enjoy the (finally) great weather which hit town this week. All the Nasty air blew out and Blue Skies returned. It's been awesome and has helped me get back on the bike and really enjoy it. Looks like the whole City thought the same too as people were out in force on Saturday and today. (Oh my gosh were the ladies out in force. I'm think I'm going to take up running or roller blading on the Drives!!!) Man was it awesome on Saturday...after my nice 4 hour ride with the "Bread" people, I caught up with Matt Warner (used to race with him back in the Y2K) at the fountain behind the Art Museum. He too was just finishing a ride after taking off some time. He mentioned that he's going to start a late Winter/Early Spring road racing series in NJ. Also mentioned he was going to run some single speed road bike racing with gear limitations (NO fixies though). What a sweet Idea, though lets see if it can get off the ground. I'll keep y'all in the loop to let you know if Matt can organize this.
Total riding for the last 5 days is sick. 5 hour ride out to Valley Forge on Thurs. (1/2 hour city jog on Friday). 4:15 ride with the Bread peeps on Saturday. (stood for 8 hours in Wilmington, kick'n the mic at Jason Gundel Memorial Crit Sunday), then another 5 hour ride today with Joe Wentzel and posse of Breakaway Fitness/Racing/Bike shop. What's crazy is I feel great....
Total riding for the last 5 days is sick. 5 hour ride out to Valley Forge on Thurs. (1/2 hour city jog on Friday). 4:15 ride with the Bread peeps on Saturday. (stood for 8 hours in Wilmington, kick'n the mic at Jason Gundel Memorial Crit Sunday), then another 5 hour ride today with Joe Wentzel and posse of Breakaway Fitness/Racing/Bike shop. What's crazy is I feel great....
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